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Posts posted by ElDubya

  1. On 2/2/2017 at 8:06 AM, Saije said:

    @HollowAddiction  Your link is Dead.  re upload please

    There is nothing to upload. 

    Just copy the dayz_sfx.pbo in your Overwatch directory.  Paste that .pbo over the top of the one in your Epoch directory, set signatures on your server to 0 and away you go.

    Bear in mind though, if you are using the new 1.06 (or whatever it is) it may not work.

  2. This is my start.bat for reference : 


    @echo off
    start "arma2" /min arma2oaserver.exe -port=2302 "-config=instance_24_Napf\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_24_Napf\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_24_Napf" -name=instance_24_Napf "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

  3. This is that section of code from my server_monitor.sqf. 


    	_totalvehicles = ;
    		_idKey = 		_x select 1;
    		_type =			_x select 2;
    		_ownerID = 		_x select 3;
    		_worldspace = 	_x select 4;
    		_inventory =	_x select 5;
    		_hitPoints =	_x select 6;
    		_fuel =			_x select 7;
    		_damage = 		_x select 8;
    		_dir = ;
    		_pos = [,,];
    		_wsDone = false;
    		if (count _worldspace >= 2) then
    			_dir = _worldspace select ;
    			if (count (_worldspace select 1) == 3) then {
    				_pos = _worldspace select 1;
    				_wsDone = true;
    		if (!_wsDone) then {
    			if (count _worldspace >= 1) then { _dir = _worldspace select ; };
    			_pos = [getMarkerPos "center",,4000,10,,2000,] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    			if (count _pos < 3) then { _pos = [_pos select ,_pos select 1,]; };
    			diag_log ("MOVED OBJ: " + str(_idKey) + " of class " + _type + " to pos: " + str(_pos));
    		_vector = [[,,],[,,]];
    		_vecExists = false;
    		_ownerPUID = "0";   
    		if (count _worldspace >= 3) then{
    			if(count _worldspace == 3) then{
    					if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "STRING")then{
    						_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 2;
    						 if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "ARRAY")then{
    							_vector = _worldspace select 2;
    							if(count _vector == 2)then{
    								if(((count (_vector select )) == 3) && ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{
    									_vecExists = true;
    				//Was not 3 elements, so check if 4 or more
    				if(count _worldspace == 4) then{
    					if(typename (_worldspace select 3) == "STRING")then{
    						_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 3;
    						if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "STRING")then{
    							_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 2;
    					if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "ARRAY")then{
    						_vector = _worldspace select 2;
    						if(count _vector == 2)then{
    							if(((count (_vector select )) == 3) && ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{
    								_vecExists = true;
    						if(typename (_worldspace select 3) == "ARRAY")then{
    							_vector = _worldspace select 3;
    							if(count _vector == 2)then{
    								if(((count (_vector select )) == 3) && ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{
    									_vecExists = true;
    					//More than 3 or 4 elements found
    					//Might add a search for the vector, ownerPUID will equal 0
    		// Realign characterID to OwnerPUID - need to force save though.
    		if (DZE_APlotforLife) then {
    			if (count _worldspace < 3) then
    				_worldspace set [count _worldspace, "0"];
    			_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 2;
    		} else {
    			_ownerPUID = _ownerID;
    		// diag_log format["Server_monitor: [ObjectID = %1]  [ClassID = %2] [_ownerPUID = %3]", _idKey, _type, _ownerPUID];
    		if (_damage < 1) then {
    			//diag_log format["OBJ: %1 - %2", _idKey,_type];
    			//Create it
    			_object = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], , "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    			_object setVariable ["lastUpdate",time];
    			_object setVariable ["ObjectID", _idKey, true];
    			_object setVariable ["OwnerPUID", _ownerPUID, true];
    			_lockable = ;
    			if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "lockable")) then {
    				_lockable = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "lockable");
    			// fix for leading zero issues on safe codes after restart
    			if (_lockable == 4) then {
    				_codeCount = (count (toArray _ownerID));
    				if(_codeCount == 3) then {
    					_ownerID = format["0%1", _ownerID];
    				if(_codeCount == 2) then {
    					_ownerID = format["00%1", _ownerID];
    				if(_codeCount == 1) then {
    					_ownerID = format["000%1", _ownerID];
    			if (_lockable == 3) then {
    				_codeCount = (count (toArray _ownerID));
    				if(_codeCount == 2) then {
    					_ownerID = format["0%1", _ownerID];
    				if(_codeCount == 1) then {
    					_ownerID = format["00%1", _ownerID];
    			_object setVariable ["CharacterID", _ownerID, true];
    			clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _object;
    			clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _object;
    			// _object setVehicleAmmo DZE_vehicleAmmo;
    			_object setdir _dir;
    			_object setVectorDirAndUp _vector;
    			_object setposATL _pos;
    			_object setDamage _damage;
    			if ((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) then {
    				_object setVariable["memDir",_dir,true];
    				if (DZE_GodModeBase) then {
    					_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
    				} else {
    					_object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call object_handleServerKilled;}];
    				// Test disabling simulation server side on buildables only.
    				_object enableSimulation false;
    				// used for inplace upgrades && lock/unlock of safe
    				_object setVariable ["OEMPos", _pos, true];
    			if (count _inventory > ) then {
    				if (_type in DZE_LockedStorage) then {
    					// Fill variables with loot
    					_object setVariable ["WeaponCargo", (_inventory select ),true];
    					_object setVariable ["MagazineCargo", (_inventory select 1),true];
    					_object setVariable ["BackpackCargo", (_inventory select 2),true];
    				} else {
    					//Add weapons
    					_objWpnTypes = (_inventory select ) select ;
    					_objWpnQty = (_inventory select ) select 1;
    					_countr = ;					
    						if(_x in (DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS select )) then {
    							_x = (DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS select 1) select ((DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS select ) find _x);
    						_isOK = 	isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x);
    						if (_isOK) then {
    							_object addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
    						_countr = _countr + 1;
    					} count _objWpnTypes; 
    					//Add Magazines
    					_objWpnTypes = (_inventory select 1) select ;
    					_objWpnQty = (_inventory select 1) select 1;
    					_countr = ;
    						if (_x == "BoltSteel") then { _x = "WoodenArrow" }; // Convert BoltSteel to WoodenArrow
    						if (_x == "ItemTent") then { _x = "ItemTentOld" };
    						_isOK = 	isClass(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x);
    						if (_isOK) then {
    							_object addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
    						_countr = _countr + 1;
    					} count _objWpnTypes;
    					//Add Backpacks
    					_objWpnTypes = (_inventory select 2) select ;
    					_objWpnQty = (_inventory select 2) select 1;
    					_countr = ;
    						_isOK = 	isClass(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x);
    						if (_isOK) then {
    							_object addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
    						_countr = _countr + 1;
    					} count _objWpnTypes;
    			if (_object isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
    					_selection = _x select ;
    					_dam = _x select 1;
    					if (_selection in dayZ_explosiveParts && _dam > 0.8) then {_dam = 0.8};
    					[_object,_selection,_dam] call object_setFixServer;
    				} count _hitpoints;
    				_object setFuel _fuel;
    				if (!((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects)) then {
    					//_object setvelocity [0,0,1];
    					_object call fnc_veh_ResetEH;		
    					if(_ownerID != "0" && !(_object isKindOf "Bicycle")) then {
    						_object setvehiclelock "locked";
    					_totalvehicles = _totalvehicles + 1;
    					// total each vehicle
    					serverVehicleCounter set [count serverVehicleCounter,_type];
    			//Monitor the object
    			PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_object];
    	} forEach (_BuildingQueue + _objectQueue);

    Try replacing your section with that and see if it helps? (Make a backup first though, yes?) :)

  4. Any map additions should ALWAYS be run serverside and called from the bottom of the server_monitor.sqf, just above allowConnection = true; . I have all this running and everything loads perfectly everytime : 

        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\coptrader.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\pook_trader.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\awols.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\origins_air.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\origins_land.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\origins_boat.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\trader_road.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\server_heli_patrol.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\cave_trader.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\random_info.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\signs.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\aunty_jack.sqf";    
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\speed_plants.sqf";    

  5. Use this fn_surfaceNoise.sqf if you are running JSRS and viola, no more client spam :)

    //Assess Terrain
    private ["_unit","_pos","_type","_typeA","_soundType","_soundVal","_array"];
    _unit = 	_this;
    _pos = 		getPosATL _unit;
    _type = 	surfaceType _pos;
    _typeA = 	toArray _type;
    _typeA 		set [,"DEL"];
    _typeA = 	_typeA - ["DEL"];
    _type = 	toString _typeA;
    _soundType = 	getText (configFile >> "CfgSurfaces" >> _type >> "soundEnviron");
    if((typeName ((getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "CAManBase" >> "SoundEnvironExt" >> _soundType) select ) select 1)) == "ARRAY") then{
    	// JSRS present, setting static Val of 25
    	_soundVal = 25;
    } else {
    	// No JSRS present, grabbing configvalue
    	_soundVal =	parseNumber format["%1",((getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "CAManBase" >> "SoundEnvironExt" >> _soundType) select ) select 3)];
    	if (_soundVal == ) then {
    		_soundVal = 25;
    _array = [_soundType,_soundVal];


  6. 1 hour ago, KillKillKill said:

    Impossible as there are no Nissan in infistar. I do not run overpoch, only epoch. Hence my question, can I add them somehow.

    Sorry man, I totally misread your question.

    If you add the nissan.pbo to Epoch, then everyone will need to download your version of Epoch otherwise they won't be able to join. Easiest option is just add @overwatch, make it an Overpoch server and add the trader gear, etc. 

  7. You mean like this?


    class Category_1016 {
    class 350z {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_red {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_kiwi {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_black {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_silver {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_green {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_blue {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_gold {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_white {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_pink {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_mod {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_ruben {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_v {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_city {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};
    class 350z_yellow {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] = {80000,"Coins"};sell[] = {20000,"Coins"};};




    59 minutes ago, ravenwolf said:

    My server has static time in hiveExt to be 6am when the server starts.

    My restarts are every 4 hours.

    I want to have 3 hours of day and 1 hour of night.

    I set to 4/3 but all that appears to be happening is that time speeds up and races to get back to 6am within the 4 hour cycle.  So it's sunset (7pm) after 2 hours uptime and by the time it's restart time again, it's almost back to 6am again.   

    What could I have done wrong?  Any suggestions to solve this would be much appreciated.

    Errrr ..... what? That gives you ROUGHLY 1 hour of night time? 

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