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    gle353 reacted to killerkiwi in arma 2 / oa classnames   
    ok i have been ask alot for classnames because i am like a book don't need look for them here is a .pdf doc that has most of them comes with classnames with images and all that shiz
    this is not my work
  2. Thanks
    gle353 reacted to juandayz in [Outdated][1.6.1 RELEASE] WORKSHOP UPDATED   
    Fully rewrited. (So if u have it installed.. remove everything).
    1-Open your custom fn_selfactions.sqf
    2-Open custom variables.sqf
    3-Open server_monitor.sqf
    5-BE Filters. If u have some issues with battleyes open createvehicle.txt
    6.OPTIONAL (add workshop objects to the sql damageonage function)
    Download from here:http://www.mediafire.com/file/zzbv97adzdl2pex/workshopLITTLE2.rar
    and place the "workshop" folder into mpmissions\your instance\scripts\
    OPTIONAL : add electrify fences. (needs deploy anything)
    If u dont wanna use this optional step remove the "optional" folder into workshop folder.
  3. Haha
    gle353 reacted to juandayz in Battlefield 2.0   
    1-dowload files from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Hx4yLjmp8cbEdNV1ZCSWJUeUU/view?usp=sharing
    2- paste the 4 files in dowload folder into \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\
    3-open your server_functions.sqf (located in \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\init\ )
    at very bottom add:
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\battlefieldselector.sqf"; 4-now open the battlefieldselector.sqf
    5-repack your dayz_Server.pbo
  4. Thanks
    gle353 reacted to salival in + InfiStar   
    To add coins to spectate view:
    Find this line in AT.sqf:
    _log2 = format['Blood: %1 Humanity: %2',(_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000]),(_unit getVariable['humanity',0])]; Replace with this line:
    _log2 = format['Blood: %1 Humanity: %2 Coins: %3',_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000],_unit getVariable['humanity',0],[(_unit getVariable [z_moneyVariable,0])] call BIS_fnc_numberText];  
  5. Thanks
    gle353 reacted to salival in + InfiStar   
    In AT.sqf find: 
    adminadd = adminadd + [" Give -2500 Humanity",adminHumanityMinus,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]]; Add below:
    adminadd = adminadd + [" Change Coins",changeCoins,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]]; adminadd = adminadd + [" Give +25,000 Coins",adminCoinsPlus,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]]; adminadd = adminadd + [" Give -25,000 Coins",adminCoinsMinus,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]]; Find this code block down further (Yours may be a little different):
    adminHumanityMinus = { { if (name _x == _this select 0) then { _humanity = _x getVariable['humanity',0]; _x setVariable['humanity',_humanity - 2500,true]; hint format['Gave %1 -2500 Humanity!',_this select 0]; _sl = format['%1 minus 2500 Humanity to %2',name player,_this select 0]; PVAH_WriteLogReq = [player,toArray _sl]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_WriteLogReq'; }; } forEach playableUnits; }; Add this block below:
    changeCoins = { disableSerialization; _plr = objNull; {if (name _x == _this select 0) exitWith {_plr = _x;};} forEach playableUnits; if (isNull _plr) exitWith {systemchat 'Select a Player!';}; if (isNull findDisplay 24) exitWith {systemchat format ['open the chat, type the amount of %1 you want to add (can be negative) and doubleClick again!',CurrencyName];}; _chat = (findDisplay 24) displayCtrl 101; _txt = ctrlText _chat; _num = 0; if (_txt != '') then { _num = parseNumber _txt; if (typeName _num != 'SCALAR') then {systemchat 'INSERT A NUMBER!';}; (findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0; }; _coins = _plr getVariable[Z_moneyVariable,0]; _plr setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,_coins+_num,true]; hint format['Gave %1 %2 %3!',_this select 0,_num,CurrencyName]; _sl = format['%1 %2 %4 to %3',name player,_num,_this select 0,CurrencyName]; PVAH_WriteLogReq = [player,toArray _sl]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_WriteLogReq'; }; adminCoinsPlus = { { if (name _x == _this select 0) then { _coins = _x getVariable[Z_moneyVariable,0]; _x setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,_coins + 25000,true]; hint format['Gave %1 +25,000 %2!',_this select 0,CurrencyName]; _sl = format['%1 +25,000 %3 to %2',name player,_this select 0,CurrencyName]; PVAH_WriteLogReq = [player,toArray _sl]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_WriteLogReq'; }; } forEach playableUnits; }; adminCoinsMinus = { { if (name _x == _this select 0) then { _coins = _x getVariable[Z_moneyVariable,0]; _x setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,_coins - 25000,true]; hint format['Gave %1 -25,000 %2!',_this select 0,CurrencyName]; _sl = format['%1 -25,000 %3 to %2',name player,_this select 0,CurrencyName]; PVAH_WriteLogReq = [player,toArray _sl]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_WriteLogReq'; }; } forEach playableUnits; }; That is straight from my server so that should work OK (maybe, haha)
  6. Thanks
    gle353 reacted to salival in [Request] Script for admins checking player coins/bank?   
    I used the search bar for this forum and typed "infistar bank" this was the first link that came up: 
  7. Like
    gle353 reacted to Sandbird in Custom debug monitor   
    Here you can use mine...Search for grof.gr in it, and change to your liking.
    Add this to your root MPMissions folder (where init.sqf is) and name it custom_monitor.sqf
    Then in your init.sqf at the bottom put :
    [] execVM "custom_monitor.sqf";
    fnc_debug = { private ["_kills","_killsH","_killsB","_humanity","_headShots","_vehname","_crew","_crew2","_crew3","_crew4","_crew5","_crew6","_crew7","_crew8","_crew9"]; debugMonitor = true; while {debugMonitor} do { _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0]; _headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0]; hintSilent parseText format [" <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#FFCC00'>Survived %1 Days</t><br/><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Blood Left:</t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EE0000'>%2</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Humanity:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EEC900'>%3</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Murders:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EEC900'>%4</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Bandits Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EEC900'>%5</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Zombies Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EEC900'>%6</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Headshots:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EEC900'>%7</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900'>Fps:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#FFFFFF'>%8</t><br/> <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#0080C0'>www.grof.gr</t><br/>", dayz_skilllevel, r_player_blood, round _humanity, _killsH, _killsB, _kills, _headShots, round diag_FPS ]; sleep 1; }; }; [] spawn fnc_debug;
  8. Like
    gle353 reacted to Neomale in Quick question on custom load screen?   
    are there any other requirement like maximum dimesion, file extension and o on?
    I tried a JPG file with 1920*1080 dimension and it gave me an error on dimesion I think, could this be possible or might there be another problem?
    it said something like dimesion 1920x1080 not 2^n
    EDIT:  Nevermind figured it out dimensions must be 2x1 so i.e. 1024*512
  9. Like
    gle353 reacted to Csus in Stop flood of messages AGN Safe Zone sends   
    at the top of the script declare a new variable in the private variables list called "_msgLock" or something you can remember. next, find this peice of code:   if ( _skip && _if ) then {     if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] This player is tagged friendly, you have access to this players bag") }; }   and change it to look like this:   if ( _skip && _if ) then {     if (!_msgLock) then {         if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then {              systemChat ("[AGN] This player is tagged friendly, you have access to this players bag.");             _msgLock = true;         };     }; } else {     _msgLock = false; };  
    This has worked lovely for me, it limits the amount of messages shown every time you look at someone to 1 message.
    This isn't copy and paste artwork because I'm not on my proper computer but it's very, very similar.
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