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Posts posted by Heresy

  1. Hi all. Firstof all, thank you Csus for this script and Jossy for the great expansion.

    I was trying to figure out how to add the "auto merge" function of the gold/silvers bar the is present for the regulars trades but i'm not really sure about the logic used in the fnc_payTrade:

    private ["_bars","_rejects","_vehicle"];
    _bars = _this select 0;
    _rejects = _this select 1;
    _vehicle = _this select 2;
    clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle;
    { _vehicle addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1]; } forEach _rejects;
    { player addMagazine [_x,1]; } forEach _bars;

    seeing that is just called from this line:

    tfv_fnc_payTrade =       compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TradeFromVehicle\functions\fnc_payTrade.sqf";

    I'm fairly new to the arma/dayz scripting language, so maybe i'm missing something elementary...Anyone can point me in the right direction?


    Just to be clear i would like to integrate this part of the dayz_code/compile/epoch_returnChange.sqf

    // total currency
    _total = _return_change;
    _briefcase_100oz = floor(_total / 10000);
    _gold_10oz_a = floor(_total / 1000);
    _gold_10oz_b = _briefcase_100oz * 10;
    _gold_10oz = (_gold_10oz_a - _gold_10oz_;
    _gold_1oz_a = floor(_total / 100);
    _gold_1oz_b = _gold_10oz_a * 10;
    _gold_1oz = (_gold_1oz_a - _gold_1oz_;
    _silver_10oz_a = floor(_total / 10);
    _silver_10oz_b = _gold_1oz_a * 10;
    _silver_10oz = (_silver_10oz_a - _silver_10oz_;
    _silver_1oz_a = floor(_total);
    _silver_1oz_b = _silver_10oz_a * 10;
    _silver_1oz = (_silver_1oz_a - _silver_1oz_;
    if (_briefcase_100oz > 0) then {
    for "_x" from 1 to _briefcase_100oz do {
    player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _briefcase_100oz, "ItemBriefcase100oz"];
    if (_gold_10oz > 0) then {
    if (_gold_10oz == 1) then {
    player addMagazine "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _gold_10oz, "ItemGoldBar10z"];
    } else {
    player addMagazine format["ItemBriefcase%1oz",floor(_gold_10oz*10)];
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: ItemBriefcase%1oz", floor(_gold_10oz*10)];
    if (_gold_1oz > 0) then {
    if (_gold_1oz == 1) then {
    player addMagazine "ItemGoldBar";
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _gold_1oz, "ItemGoldBar"];
    } else {
    player addMagazine format["ItemGoldBar%1oz",_gold_1oz];
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _gold_1oz, "ItemGoldBar"];
    if (_silver_10oz > 0) then {
    if (_silver_10oz == 1) then {
    player addMagazine "ItemSilverBar10oz";
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _silver_10oz, "ItemSilverBar10oz"];
    } else {
    player addMagazine format["ItemBriefcaseS%1oz",floor(_silver_10oz*10)];
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: ItemBriefcaseS%1oz", floor(_silver_10oz*10)];
    if (_silver_1oz > 0) then {
    if (_silver_1oz == 1) then {
    player addMagazine "ItemSilverBar";
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _silver_1oz, "ItemSilverBar"];
    } else {
    player addMagazine format["ItemSilverBar%1oz",_silver_1oz];
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER CHANG MADE: %1 x %2", _silver_1oz, "ItemSilverBar"];

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