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  1. Like
    Madbull reacted to DangerRuss in Repair & Rearming script   
    server_point.sqf comes in the folder called service_point....  you can change the file path or file names to whatever you want as long as you edit the paths to match what you have on you server.

    so you could have a file name hairybigballs.sqf and put that inside a folder called nutsack  as long as your filepath is nutsack\hairyballs.sqf
    hairybigballs.sqf will continue to work so long as the filepath matches what you have on your server. If you change your the call line to scripts\hairybigballs.sqf but we all know hairybigballs.sqf is in your folder nutsack, then hairybigballs.sqf won't work because the server doesn't see it where you told it to look.
  2. Like
    Madbull reacted to Richie in How do you edit the Arma3 Epoch Mission.sqm   
    Use Eliteness, you know this has been answered 101 times before :p the search bar works, you should give it a try one day
  3. Like
    Madbull reacted to pr0dukt in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    Co-signed x100.
  4. Like
    Madbull reacted to KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    ArmA Servers work like this:
    - Server starts and gets into a waiting state, called "creating".
    - First client connects and starts the Mission by pressing OK on the briefing screen.
    - Then The Server loads the missions init files, and all MOD config Entrys with the "postinit" flag (like my SEM).
    What you are demanding is already the normal behaviour and could've easily been checked by reading the servers logfile (.RPT) and watching the timestamps.

    AI does not accept any Waypoints or move commands after their locality has been changed via setOwner.
    Please read the issue I linked in the first post (in the spoiler, right before the download), or read one of the other Posts in this Thread where I explain it several times.

    Your link was broken, fixed it in the quote.

    To everyone demanding BE filter files:
    Learn to do it by Yourself (considering the mass of tutorials and examples out there, everyone can!), this tutorial will help You to understand it better:

    Someone without the basic knowledge about ArmA Servers should definitely NOT host a Early ALPHA MOD and try to customize it, at all!
    There are much easyer ways to learn how to edit the basic stuff in ArmA (open pbo containers, understand sqf syntax, add exceptions to Your BE filters etc.) than the EPOCH MOD in its current ALPHA state.

    Back then when I had my first (car) driving lession, I was not taking a seat in a F1 car, trying to compete with Michael Schumacher and started complaining that I don't know how to keep this wheeled rocket on the track.
    I was learning the theory first and then started driving with a normal car in a driving shool.

    Greez KiloSwiss
  5. Like
    Madbull reacted to Richie in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    or don't be a server admin :) too many servers online, we don't need another poorly ran one with admins that have no clue how the game works.
  6. Like
    Madbull reacted to Darth_Rogue in [RELEASE] Status Bar With Icons & Server FPS display v1.36   
    I've had several requests to customize this for folks via PM.  To keep from having to repeat myself I'll give a few pointers here.
    If you want to change at which percentage the colors change you can do it a couple different ways.  The quick and easy method would be to change the color codes.
    _colourDefault = parseText "#adadad"; //set your default colour here _colour100 = parseText "#336600"; _colour90 = parseText "#339900"; _colour80 = parseText "#339900"; //this is now the same as the color above. Both percentiles will appear the same color _colour70 = parseText "#33FF00"; _colour60 = parseText "#66FF00"; _colour50 = parseText "#CCFF00"; _colour40 = parseText "#CCCC00"; _colour30 = parseText "#CC9900"; _colour20 = parseText "#CC6600"; _colour10 = parseText "#CC3300"; _colour0 = parseText "#CC0000"; _colourDead = parseText "#000000"; You can change two (or more) color gradients to the same hex code, meaning they will both appear as the same color.
    The other option would be to change the code in this section:
    if(_damage >= 100) then{_colourDamage = _colour100;}; if((_damage >= 90) && (_damage < 100)) then {_colourDamage = _colour90;}; if((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 90)) then {_colourDamage = _colour80;}; if((_damage >= 70) && (_damage < 80)) then {_colourDamage = _colour70;}; if((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 70)) then {_colourDamage = _colour60;}; if((_damage >= 50) && (_damage < 60)) then {_colourDamage = _colour50;}; if((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 50)) then {_colourDamage = _colour40;}; if((_damage >= 30) && (_damage < 40)) then {_colourDamage = _colour30;}; if((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 30)) then {_colourDamage = _colour20;}; if((_damage >= 10) && (_damage < 20)) then {_colourDamage = _colour10;}; if((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 10)) then {_colourDamage = _colour0;}; You can basically break it down like so - "if  player's damage level is equal to 100% then use the color code named _colour100".  As you move down the line the same basic principles apply.  "If player's damage level is greater than or equal to 90, but less than 100, use color code named _colour90". 
    Next comes, "If player's damage level is greater than or equal to 80, but less than 90, use color code named _colour80".  Lather, rinse, repeat...all the way down the line.  It's also the same for every respective section, including hunger, thrist and energy levels.  
    By changing the logic on these lines you can change the behavior of the status bar.  If you wanted to you could even totally reverse it and have it appear red in color at 100% and green closer to 0%.  
    It's not as intimidating as it looks.  With a little bit of thought and some good ol' fashioned trial and error I'm sure nearly anyone can edit this to do what they want it to do.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping people, but I'm getting tons of PMs all asking the same thing, and me doing it for people isn't helping folks to learn anything.  Personal experience is a better teacher than I'll ever be.   :)
  7. Like
    Madbull reacted to axeman in Building/Crafting Ideas for future development   
    Templar, your body is made in a cloning vat. We are adding all sorts of technology at that stage. What you are talking about is another tool to gather the energy. I see the logic and is a good idea, it does add another building requirement which could be a good thing further along. Currently your clone body has the means to store the energy, as it does krypto. You have implants and the means to insert new implants, which the traders currently can do.
  8. Like
    Madbull reacted to axeman in Building/Crafting Ideas for future development   
    Pinned, please keep adding further suggestions here. Great input so far. Farming is something I've always wanted to get my teeth into :)
  9. Like
    Madbull reacted to SpiRe in [AllinOne] MAS Weapons, Vehicles   
    read the post
  10. Like
    Madbull reacted to nedfox in Community (server side) MOD   
    Introduction .
    Lots of times, addons need to run server side, at server init.. Examples can be: spawning of items like crates, custom missions, modified loot scripts or indestructable objects.
    To accomplish this, the best was is to have a PBO framework which resides in @EpochHive/Addons, *NEXT TO* the Epoch PBO's so it can be run without ANY modification of Epoch server files.
    Making such a PBO isn't hard, but requires lots of reading and testing and sometimes a step too far for server admins.. Having such a PBO ready to use for your own is what I'm going to post here, and explain line by line.
    Goal .
    The goal is to present something that anyone with notepadd++, PBOManager and some basic scripting knowledge can use for their own server, to implement posted scriptlets with goodies here on the forum without having to figure out how to make the basics work.. See it as a framework in which you can drag and drop community posted scripts and make them work server side.
    Also, these scripts are not transferred to clients, making it "secure" if coders don't want to share lengthy scripts, or prevent hackers looking for holes.
    Details. .
    The frameworks exists of 2 folders and some config files..
    1 Folder, called "serverside" is where you drop your scripts in.
    1 Folder, called "init" contains a file called "fn_init.sqf" in which you declare all functions/procedures
    1 File called "config.cpp" which does not need to be edited, ever.
    1 File called "PboPrefix.txt" which defines the necessary prefixes so Epoch servers understand where to look for functions etc. You will never have to edit this file either.
    * fn_init.sqf
    This file contains declaration of my example scripts, which spawns a set number of crates randomly on the map, with configurable settings,plus some other  scripts that could be useful.
    // Include your sqf files in here. /* spawncrates.sqf spawns random crates around a marker spawn-one-NPC.sqf puts an NPC on the map, which can be configured to "do stuff" indestructable.sqf sets certain building objects invulnerable */ diag_log format ['Starting Community MOD']; //call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\custom\serverside\spawncrates.sqf"; //call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\custom\serverside\spawn-one-NPC.sqf"; [] execVM '\x\addons\custom\serverside\indestructible.sqf'; When you add your own scripts, which you drop in the "serverside" folder, you add each one as an extra line, with the same path, but different name
    For example, you added a spawncustomloot.sqf in the serverside folder, you add this line :
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\custom\serverside\spawncustomloot.sqf";  or (If you lockup the server with inifinite precompiled loops) :
    [] execVM '\x\addons\custom\serverside\spawncustomloot.sqf'; * spawncrates.sqf (example)
    This is the example script, which is currently set to spawn 4 crates on Sector B island on Tavi, randomly chosen within 4 randomly set green circles.. When a player starts the game, he will see 4 green circles, in which somewhere is a crate with building goodies. I'll advice to have these crates heavily guarded by Ai :) !!
    You can set size of the circles, number of crates, make it spawn shore or even water only, or hide the green circles making them totally obscured by any markers, and any lucky guy will have a field day when he finds one. The crates are filled with random (set) number of items, and is easily adaptable for guns, or ammo..
    The crates CAN be lifted with a CH-67 for example, but will NOT survive server restarts !
    I also included the normal marker and distances to be used as "map wide" spawn points. Just put "//" in front of the lines you don't want to be processed and remove them from the others.
    /* File: spawncrates.sqf Author: NedFox [TZW] Description: Custom Crates, randomly placed around a marker which is visible (or not). */ if (isServer) then { _numberofcrates = 4; // this is the number of crates that you want to spawn _spawnCenter = [22600,19600,0]; // Example : This is the center around which the crates will spawn, Sector B island on Tavi. //_spawnCenter = getmarkerpos "center"; // Use this if you want the global center of the map, it's declared in mission.sqm, island specific _min = 0; // minimum distance from the center position (Number) in meters //_max = 12000; // maximum distance from the center position (Number) in meters _max = 450; // Example : maximum range of spawned crates, to keep them INSIDE the sector B compound _mindist = 5; // minimum distance from the nearest object (Number) in meters, ie. spawn at least this distance away from anything within x meters.. _water = 0; // water mode (Number) 0: cannot be in water , 1: can either be in water or not , 2: must be in water _shoremode = 0; // 0: does not have to be at a shore , 1: must be at a shore _marker = True; // Draw a green circle in which the crate will be spawned randomly _markersize = 100; // Radius of the marker in meters diag_log format['Starting spawncrates.sqf']; //make a line in the RPT file to notify the scripts is going to run now. for "_i" from 1 to _numberofcrates do   { _pos = [_spawnCenter,_min,_max,_mindist,_water,2000,_shoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a random location within range if (_marker) then {      _event_marker = createMarker [ format ["loot_marker_%1", _i], _pos];   _event_marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";   _event_marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";   _event_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.75;   _event_marker setMarkerSize [(_markersize+15), (_markersize+15)]; //green circle slightly bigger , box can spawn just outside if not increased   _pos = [_pos,0,_markersize,0,_water,2000,_shoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;  //find a random spot INSIDE the marker area   _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]; }; diag_log format['Spawncrate %1 : Location %2',_i,_pos]; // post a line in the RPT file with the exact location of the crate. _box = "CargoNet_01_box_F" createvehicle _pos;   //create the crate  .. These ARE liftable with chopper like the CH-67 , but will not stay after restarts ! // _box = "Box_NATO_Support_F" createvehicle _pos;   //create a smaller crate. Use either, not both clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box;     clearItemCargoGlobal _box; _box setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; //stay until reset _box allowDamage false; // Prevent boxes to explode when spawning _box addItemCargoGlobal ["MortarBucket", 4 + (random 2)];  // between 4-6 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["Cinderblocks", 8 + (random 4)]; // between 8-12 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["CircuitParts", (random 1)]; // between 0-1 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemCorrugated", 2 + (random 3)]; // between 2-5 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemCorrugatedLg", (random 2)]; // between 0-2 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["KitTipi", (random 2)]; // between 0-2 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["CSGAS", 1 + (random 1)]; // between 1-2 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["EnergyPackLg", 1 + (random 1)]; // between 1-2 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["KitShelf", 2 + (random 2)]; // between 2-4 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["KitFoundation", (random 2)]; // between 0-2 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["Chainsaw", (random 1)]; // between 0-1 _box addItemCargoGlobal ["KitCinderWall", 3 + (random 4)]; // between 3-7   } }; Attached below this post is the PBO, which simply can be dropped into the @EpochHive/Addon folder and does not require ANY other settings to activate.
    I hope this framework will be a standard for other coders in the future to add functions too, without having ppl to modify all kind if init.sqf, making modifications in the mission.PBO which makes the client downloads larger etc etc.
  11. Like
    Madbull reacted to Darth_Rogue in Is there any "Fully militarized" Epoch servers ??   
    That's how I've got mine currently set up.  Walls, foundations, floors and jammers are indestructible.  Doors, both wood and cinder, are not.  It works really well and allows bases to be breached, but not destroyed.  
  12. Like
    Madbull reacted to Suppe in Is it just me?   
    epoch 0.4 release ?
  13. Like
    Madbull reacted to nedfox in NEEDHELP! Willing to pay somebody to trick my epoch server   
    Give a man a fish and he lives for a day, give a man a fishing rod and he can sustain himself forever.
    Learn the stuff yourself and in the end, if you pay attention to details, it isn't too hard and hardens you in case of any future trouble you run into.
  14. Like
    Madbull reacted to axeman in Where should i rent server ?   
    Tango, allow TBs per month, go for the fastest and widest bandwidth  you can..
    As said before, if you start hitting any hosting limitations you will see yellow / red chains. Some of that can be desync for high ping players, which the Arma engine handles admirably, but realistically we're talking CPU and memory usage. 
    100 player servers are hungry beasts. That said you can run a small friends only server from a decent laptop on a good home broadband / lan event, have done it more than once.
    I've calculated that I could heat my house from a rack of Sql servers before. Arma servers, am knocking on the neighbours doors to see if they want free heating ;)
  15. Like
    Madbull reacted to Richie in Uro's MB Billboards [Retexture][@Addon]   
    It's a nightmare Robio, total fucking nightmare :lol:
    First you have to be a mathematician, working out all your height fields, cell and grid sizes.
    Next you have to be a graphics designer, you need a high quality satellite image and mask.
    Lastly you have to be an artist, your towns, forests and roads all have to look right, how things would be in real life, be it man made or mother natures doing.
    Then you're dealing with ArmA Tools, not the most reliable and comes with no manual.
    It's the most annoying, stressful and complicated project i've ever started :lol: but then you crunch it all together and explore the world you created and it brings a huge smile to your face :D
  16. Like
    Madbull reacted to Uro in Uro's MB Billboards [Retexture][@Addon]   
    I wouldnt say it's a complete nightmare,. for terrain creation you need patience,. lots of patience :blink:
    It's a very steep learning curve (more of a mountain climb than a curve :D ) - Some of the processes involved take a lot of time/patience/cpu/more patience.
    Quite a lot of the time I've set programs up to do various things then went out to work for the day and they're still running when I get back, hell I've even left Visitor3/Terrain-Builder running for days importing hieghtfields/masks. - Then only to not like the outcome and start from my base hieghtfield and rebuild everything from there :D
    I've spent hours & hours downloading DEM hieghtfield data for real-world locations, only to not like the way they flow in-game.
    I've rebuilt my entire map / masks various times, switched surface textures, regenerated layers, incorporated entire road networks and removed them just because I wasnt happy with the way they appeared in-game.
    Once you get over these hurdles and have your basic map setup things become a little easier though - however it is sometimes frustrating due to a lack of default objects contained within A3 - Not everyone likes nor has any use for Mediterranean buildings in thier terrain :rolleyes:
    This is where the Arma community steps in with other content authors with addons and tools such as AIA / JBAD / MGB / Map Builder / Mikerotools and scouring Armaholic / BI Forums for objects/model packs, and then when you delve deeper you get into the BIS A1/A2 Sample packs in a search for more content you can use / customise / retexture to your liking. 
    Most authors of these packs are happy for you to get the use out of them and include them in your project - All it takes is a PM to them on the BI Forums asking for permission to use thier content, 99.9% of the time you'll get a "hellyeah!" and obviously credit them when you get to the point of releasing :)   If your stuck for objects / need something created - there is always the ARMA 3 Addon Request thread on the BI Forums where you can post your request and someone may pick it up and create it for you - ask and you never know :)
    Hell you may even delve into modelling yourself! :D
    Regarding the Arma3 Toolset:
    I do like Terrain-Builder over Visitor3 (Arma2), there are far more features that are easier to use - once you understand them and know all the little tricks/tweaks. 
    In Visitor3 your roads/paths  were created out of thousands of road pieces/objects, which is laborious as hell.  In TB, you simply use the polyline/vertices tool to paint and connect you road/path networks, then export it as a shapfile for inclusion in your terrain when you compile it - they are then "painted" onto your map at the init stage.  This also helps to keep your overall object counts for your map lower.
    I like the fact that you can use object layers to define different structure types - I.E. have one layer for your roads, one for your forests, another for each town you create etc - you can then export these layers as imagery - to use as an overlay in Photoshop/GIMP to assist in painting your roads/towns onto your satellite/surface masks. 
    This is only the tip of the iceberg with TB - They have done quite a lot to ease the pain of terrain creation in Arma3 over Arma2 - they still have a ways to go in simplifying some processes but obviously nothing is ever going to be "point and click, map completed".
    Everything takes time & patience, some trial & error, and figuring out different techniques for all the various aspects of terrain creation.  And at the end of all that, you end up knowing a bucketload more about Arma - from simple configs to more advanced configs, terrain creation & BIS logic than you did to begin with.
    And Richie is quite right  -  When you crunch it all together and get all your time/sweat/blood/frustrations compiled & into the game and see it in Arma3  -  There's that sweet sense of satisfaction that only people who create terrains will know about  -  and boy is it good! :D
  17. Like
    Madbull reacted to maca134 in M3Editor - A3 3D Editor   
    More info goto http://maca134.co.uk/portfolio/m3editor-arma-3-map-editor/
    I will not be announcing updates on this forums anymore.
  18. Like
    Madbull reacted to SpiRe in [AllinOne] MAS Weapons, Vehicles   
    So much people asking about how to add MAS stuff to their server..

    So i repacked my configs with little tutorial...

    Download: [Broken Link: github.com/splitx0/A3Epoch_MAS]


    - PRIZES

    1. add line to description.ext :

    #include "cfg\CfgPricing.hpp"

    2. copy file to mpmissions\epoch.Altis\cfg\CfgPricing.hpp

    - PREVENT PLAYERS FROM connecting without addons @mas18 and @masvehicles
    add to mission.sqm classes to addons:



    [1] since you can use default loot system

    1. dePBO @epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo

    2. overwrite loots.h

    3. repack PBO @epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo

    [2] on unsupported maps you can use server sided edit of LSpawner [Na_Palm]
    - copy/pack or whatever LSpawner... to: @epochhive\addons\
    - You will have to probably delete all stuff with sillencers and optics since it causing dupping.
    - Also you will have to delete some backpacks that are duping explosives
    - not updated with marksmen stuff
    - I dont use LSpawner anymore...

    MAS Vehicles 1.0
    - SPAWN

    1. add lines from epochconfig_vehicles.hpp to @epochhive\epochconfig.hpp

    This is more about filling actual server with proper stuff and what do you need from the part when you actually add addons.
    I am not running chernarus, so i don't have anything for it but all of that can be used for any of other maps... In LSpawner you just need to add building classes.
  19. Like
    Madbull reacted to Richie in A couple of questions on Sappers   
    Feedback and ideas are fine, pushing the devs to the point where it gets to them is too far, did you see Axeman saying thanks for the feedback or start to wonder why Origins went they way they did ?
    There are a lot of posts saying there are too many sappers and how they spawn, no doubt 0.4.0 will address this, but multiple posts about the same thing has to get to you, how many hours did Axeman spend coding the changes, only for people to say they hate it.
    People do have a right to say how they feel, they could also word it better so it doesn't annoy or offend :)
    As the saying goes 'It's not what you say, it's the way you say it'
  20. Like
    Madbull reacted to Richie in A couple of questions on Sappers   
    Stop being so nice :) if they don't like the mod they have the option to play something else or create their own.
    I remember the early A2 Epoch days, look how that ended up, people just need patience and understand it's only 30% done.
 was a massive update, so many cool features yet people just bitch about the bad things, but some like what others call bad :lol: you'll never please em all, don't worry about it.
  21. Like
    Madbull got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in @MAS Weapons and vehicles   
    yep, the search function is still broken....
  22. Like
    Madbull reacted to stonXer in [ Request ]@masvehicles   
    add @massvehicles folder to your server root dir.
    add @massvehicles to your startup -mod=@masvehicles;@Epoch;@EpochHive;
    add the mas.bikey to your server's "Keys" folder
    look through your RPT log to see which little bits to add onto your mission.sqm.
    fluxcapacitor for epoch 0.4.0
  23. Like
    Madbull reacted to vbawol in cfgCrafting! WOOT WOOT   
    Your on to something ;). CfgPricing/CfgCrafting configs can be edited and modifications can be released to the public. Please test and report any bugs or feedback you have. If all is well with this method we will start using it for more configs. Just keep in mind we will be updating these configs with future patches and possibly even with community additions.
    Also, I will soon be reworking the crafting UI as currently we are limited to 6 uses per item. With the reworked UI we will be able to support nearly an unlimited amount of options.
    Richie, you should be able to use any existing magazines, items or weapons.
  24. Like
    Madbull reacted to ZENITHOVMAN in @MAS Weapons and vehicles   
    Another @mas thread really??

  25. Like
    Madbull got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Is it just me?   
    lmfao...sooooo many true words spoken here  :D   my current server fav is.."i was underwater and died, how come?"
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