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Posts posted by axs_grey

  1. There appears to be a plethora of groups that just want to find glitches into areas. It doesnt matter where you try to build a base and secure it with floors and walls they just try to find another exploit within the Arma engine. My group spent most of a day moving bases to what appeared to be a more secure location. We had scouted it out and even attemted to glitch into the new location in both Epoch and Creator all that happened was a group member ended up trapped in a wall. 


    We build and transfer all the gear from old base to new.Spent the day there organising and securing only to be raided by a group of glitchers while the group was engaged in a legitimate firefight. Regrouped and tried to return but meet full resistance. most of the group changed over due to time differences and we eventually made it back into the base using legitimate means. 


    I spent the next 3 hours placing more floors, walls, ramps on every point that I could see as being a possible way into the base. A couple of hours later the same group returned with different players. They scouted out the base and knew of/ found new ways to glitch into the area. The Attack ended when my group basically gave up and sat back and watched at the other group tried to blow the base apart from the inside out.


    If you are thinking that this is down to a poor position the base in question was built at Kavala Castle. Go check it out in creator and you will see the only legitimate way into the base is through the front entrance with the possibilities of ramps being built and carried round to a couple of low points and the base accessed that way (a legitimate way IMO as you can build to protect against such attacks).


    As far as i can tell the Glitches are based on the arma engine and modelling. If that is the case then unfortunately I cant see the mod maintaining its popularity as it will be overrun with Glitchers and so it will be impossible to build a base and protect your gear.


    It is a general problem as I have witnessed players get into rocks and shoot and kill players while remaining invincible. Players abusing the wall models and pushing their weapon through a wall to destroy vehicles and players. And now the super wall glitch where you can either fly up the walls in certain places and gain access without making any sound or crawling through walls and floors to gain access to an otherwise secure base. 


    The mod is in an alpha state and there will be issues but with something this major within the core engine coding then it is almost impossible to test the mod and report legitimate problems as you are never safe or alive and looted up enough to legitmately play the game.

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