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Posts posted by ReDBaroN

  1. Hi, since the udpate to 0.3.9 I have been seeing these errors in my server.rpt:

    "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"


    "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Light_02_F"

    I'm guessing these are produced because I have added other Arma 3 vehicles to my server like you can see above and I'm not sure if the errors are a problem as the vehicles aren't being deleted but, can anyone throw some light on how to fix this? Do I need to add the additional vehicles into another list in the config somewhere?

    I can confirm that I'm running the latest version 565 and using the 'out of the box' config for vehicle load. Not using the 038 vehicle load.


    I am also seeing the following two errors since updating to 039 which are still prevalent in 565:

    11:46:51 "EPOCH_LT_CfgMainTable_Trash_antagonists = [["UAV","Cloak","Sapper","SapperB"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4]]"
    11:46:51 Error in expression <"];
    if (!isNull _target) then {
    switch (_type) do {
    case "UAV": {
    "I_UAV_01_F" r>
    11:46:51   Error position: <_type) do {
    case "UAV": {
    "I_UAV_01_F" r>
    11:46:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: _type
    11:46:51 File epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_triggerEvent.sqf, line 17


    11:46:51 Error in expression <selectRandom _weightedArray);
    [_target, _triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
    11:46:51   Error position: <_triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
    11:46:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: _triggertype
    11:46:51 File epoch_server\compile\epoch_looting\EPOCH_server_destroyTrash.sqf, line 55

    Any help on these would be great! :)



  2. Apologies for bringing back this old thread but, we seem to be having the relog naked issue still in 038. Also, we have the blackscreen on player log in but only soon after a restart. It seems to be about a minute.

    Is anyone else still experiencing these issues?

  3. Hi Sp4rkY, I have another thing that could be improved. wouldn't necessarily call it an issue but, more of a potential improvement...

    With vehicle protect on, if you drive into a safezone and want to pick up a group member who is already in there, he can't enter the vehicle or gear it. However, if he is in the vehicle when you drive in, then he can. So, at the moment players who are in the same group are having to meet outside of the zones and then make their way in together to buy and sell items.

    I think it would be better if the vehicle protect works in the same way as the epoch group access for vehicles........anyone who is member of the group associated with the vehicle is unaffected by the vehicle protect checks.


  4. hey, this has sorted it perfectly :) Big thanks for your help!

    I also used the same for the next error that came up with the Halv's Blackmarket trader for colorPicture and although it changed all the menus to red, it got rid of the error. I have changed the colours from 0.8,0,0,0.8 to 0,0,0,0 but, seem to have lost the icons for the items now so, will have a mess around with the colours and report back. 

    That is, unless you already know what the colours should be in there.... ?

    thanks again for your help man :biggrin:

  5. I have now tried this:

    		class HALV_gear_list: HALV_CT_TREE
    			idc = 7779;
    			x = 0.35567 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = 0.137091 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.438144 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.725818 * safezoneH;
    			onTreeDblClick = "_this call Halv_ontreedoubleclick; false";
    			onTreeSelChanged = "_this call Halv_ontreeselected; false";
    		class colorPicture {Color[] = {1,1,1,1};};

    and I'm back to the first error....

  6. I just tried this:

    		class HALV_gear_list: HALV_CT_TREE
    			idc = 7779;
    			x = 0.35567 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = 0.137091 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.438144 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.725818 * safezoneH;
    			onTreeDblClick = "_this call Halv_ontreedoubleclick; false";
    			onTreeSelChanged = "_this call Halv_ontreeselected; false";
    			class colorPicture {
    				pictureColor[] = {0,0,0,0}; //no color

    and the error has changed to this:



    Just seen your latest post so, will try those. But, do I have the block correct?

  7. Sorry if I missed it in there as I thought I also compared the changes in the readme. No matter, only setvariable would/could have caught me out as I don't even run scripts.txt. Too laggy for me....

    Seems to be working well now though and no reports of any problems from players over last 12 hours odd. 

    Thanks again, great script addition to the mod and will save a lot of Admin time. :)

  8. Nice one mate. Have tested and this has fixed it.

    Didn't go for the optionals as I still need to think where to move the invisible heli pad on the west trader as sometimes players need to chop trees to get a heli out of there without it blowing up.

    Didn't notice any changes using diffmerge on the BE filters though.....? But, haven't been kicked... :)

  9. Not sure if any of these help?


    20:35:35 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38541.886719,160.420731,30838.447266]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:36 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38581.503906,174.466324,30806.906250]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:36 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:37 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38545.488281,155.916367,30837.501953]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:37 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:37 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38626.968750,145.088318,30728.669922]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:37 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:38 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38605.421875,168.737396,30778.275391]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:38 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:39 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38618.773438,142.616180,30759.169922]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:39 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:40 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38546.191406,142.912872,30838.583984]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:40 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:40 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38573.210938,163.957947,30817.816406]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:40 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:41 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38578.179688,176.028778,30809.521484]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:41 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:42 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38604.425781,148.587830,30786.109375]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:42 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:42 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38589.714844,147.336639,30805.308594]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:42 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:43 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38598.960938,144.434723,30794.486328]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:43 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:44 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38614.843750,166.760773,30760.220703]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:44 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:44 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38553.539063,179.658447,30826.916016]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:44 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:45 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38615.179688,176.712112,30752.199219]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:45 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:46 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38523.058594,157.854218,30846.175781]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:46 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:46 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38620.339844,162.849167,30747.130859]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:46 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:47 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38529.839844,171.881119,30840.826172]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:47 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:48 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38545.652344,148.743011,30838.369141]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:48 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:48 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38559.277344,159.680099,30828.990234]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:48 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:49 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38610.863281,165.378510,30769.742188]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:49 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:49 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38555.031250,145.460281,30833.605469]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:49 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:50 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.281250,134.702805,30704.585938]; tEnd[38605.058594,161.805069,30781.693359]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:50 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:51 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.292969,134.409897,30704.597656]; tEnd[38562.191406,175.879822,30822.531250]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:51 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 5 these messages.
    20:35:51 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.292969,134.409897,30704.597656]; tEnd[38561.152344,147.880188,30829.568359]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:51 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:52 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.292969,134.409897,30704.597656]; tEnd[38600.929688,138.252777,30792.291016]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:52 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.
    20:35:53 WARNING: SuppressCache::Trace called with huge input. Function exited to prevent program stall inside. tBeg[38479.304688,134.155838,30704.607422]; tEnd[38579.144531,163.388092,30812.669922]; ammoHit(0.300000); distance(150.000000)
    20:35:53 In last 500 miliseconds was lost another 3 these messages.


    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6591 [update._supplyEnt]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer
    22:12:26 (6592 [update._fromSupply]): Network sync error - NMTReplaceContainer

    These are from the client rpt.

  10. Hi Sp4rkY, may have found a slight issue....

    If you go in to a safezone and then come out, you can't harvest wood. Also the animation on the axe is screwed up and doesn't move. Move out of the safezone, relog and everything is good again.....until you next go in to a safezone.

    I would guess this is the same for everyone else as I haven't changed anything else other than this but, would appreciate if others using this script could help out and quickly test to make sure.

  11. This is interesting as I have a 3 minute black screen at restarts nowadays and because I don't get on enough, can't pinpoint when it started. I have been running with -nologs for a long time as I run Horbin's FuMS and 4 mission systems inside that so, without -nologs the server object not found spam is too much.

    I'm currently going through a long cycle on my test box of switching off scripts one by one trying to pinpoint the issue and will report back if I can find anything. FYI, I have logs enabled on the test box for debugging issues.

    Does anyone else get the 3 minute black screen at restarts?

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