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    -Dutchy- reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.3.7 Release Changelog   
    Client Downloads
    Server Downloads
    **Client** [Added] Drinking a Soda now returns a Empty Soda Can (ItemSodaEmpty). [Added] Eating a can of food now returns a Empty Tin Can (ItemEmptyTin). [Added] Repack magazines feature. Simply select a magazine and press the "Repack" button. [Added] 55 Gallon (210 liters) Fuel Barrel that can be used to refill/siphon vehicles. (Full - ItemBarrelF,Empty - ItemBarrelE). [Added] Ability to siphon fuel from other fuel sources like gas stations and gas tanks (transportFuel > 0). [Added] Crafting Burlap (ItemBurlap) from 2x Hemp (ItemKiloHemp) while at a workbench. [Added] Crafting of Plywood sheets (ItemPlywoodPack) from 3x Wood Log (WoodLog_EPOCH). [Added] Crafting of Aluminum Bars (ItemAluminumBar) from 6x Empty Soda Cans (ItemSodaEmpty) and one jar of water (water_epoch). Also requires a fire nearby. [Added] Crafting of Tin Bars (ItemTinBar) from 6x Empty Soda Cans (ItemEmptyTin) and one jar of water (water_epoch). Also requires a fire nearby. [Added] Copper Bars (ItemCopperBar) that can be crafted from cables (ItemCables) nearby a fire. Cables can also be made from Copper Bars at a workbench. [Added] Briefcase Full (ItemBriefcaseGold100oz) crafted from ten 10oz Gold bars and a Empty Briefcase (ItemBriefcaseE). [Added] Crafting of Bars (ItemGoldBar and ItemSilverBar) from Gold (PartOreGold) and Silver (PartOreSilver) Ores. [ADDED-WIP] Pack/unpack empty backpacks into carryable magazine items. [ADDED-WIP] Hotwire Kit (ItemHotwire). [ADDED-WIP] Key Makers Kit (ItemKeyKit). [ADDED-WIP] Keys in colors: (Black ItemKey,ItemKeyRed,ItemKeyGreen,ItemKeyBlue,ItemKeyYellow). [ADDED-WIP] Metal Pipes (ItemPipe). [ADDED-WIP] Documents (Trash,Books,Vehicle Upgrades) (ItemDoc1-8, ItemVehDoc1-4). [ADDED-WIP] Light Bulb (ItemBulb). [Changed] Upgrading wood Stud wall and Tower to Plywood covered versions requires Plywood (ItemPlywoodPack). [Changed] Debug monitor now shows all custom stats dynamically based on 'customVarsDefaults' config. [Changed] Increased angle that the player is able to aim up. [Changed] Drinking Alcohol increases the new "Alcohol" stat instead of directly effecting blood pressure. [Changed] Crafting Hesco barrier now require 3x Burlap. [Changed] Crafting wood and metal spike traps now also require Sticks and a Hydraulic Jack. [Changed] Change all publicVariableServer calls to use remoteExec calls for better performance. [Fixed] Previous patch had incorrectly reduced armor values of the Cultist. [Fixed] Male(Female) characters lose vest items after equipping opposite sex's vest. [Fixed] Secure storage locking mechanism improvements should prevent any unwanted intrusions. [Fixed] Reworked login to prevent getting stuck at "waiting for inventory". [Fixed] Prevented death just after revive due still having high blood pressure. [Fixed] Incorrectly being able to sell/buy items from a dead trader. [Fixed] Snakes now require line of sight to bite player. [Fixed] Custom epoch swing animations for Hatchet and sledge now work correctly. [Fixed] Boss Sapper incorrectly cleaned up before detonation. **Server** [Added] Newly world spawned vehicles now have randomized damage. [Added] if 5th array element is true 'telePos' config array can now use world position for teleport pads location. [Added] Setting to control random magazine ammo counts in loot spawner. CfgEpochClient -> randomizeMagazineAmmoCount (default: true) [Added] Debug box now dynamically spawns with flood lights to help players see inside the box at night. [Added] CfgEpochClient 'WorldInteractions' config now stores all environmental loot classes and types for all supported maps. [Added] CUP terrain pack support added: - Sahrani - Southern Sahrani - United Sahrani - Porto - Utes - Chernarus - Chernarus Summer - Desert - Takistan - Zargabad - Shapur - Proving Grounds - Bukovina - Bystrica - Takistan Mountains [Info] For CUP, use double quotes around mod for spaces in folder Example: -mod="@Epoch;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;" [Changed] Removed support for AIA terrain pack in favor of CUP terrain pack. [Changed] Empty fuel barrel added to large trash and vehicle loot tables. [Changed] Earthquakes with mineral veins spawn chances increased with less players. [Changed] Driver or passengers of a driverless can now control vehicle locks. Also only the owner can control locks from outside of a occupied vehicle. [Changed] Commented out Halloween masks from loot tables. [Changed] Player positions in database now use Epoch precision position functions. [Updated] New Battleye remoteExec.txt for added remoteExec calls. [Fixed] Admin tools map AI markers not working. [Fixed] Static propPos campfires not working on Takistan due to disabled simulation. [Fixed] When killed instead of saving blank array delete (object,trader,vehicle) data from database. [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0370.
    Please note: Release is scheduled for this Thursday (January, 28th) however this maybe subject to change based on the stability of the current experimental build.
    *ADDED-WIP means more work is still needed.
  2. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to Donnovan in [release] No Land X Air, Air X Air Crash!   
    If you like my work, please consider a donation.



    Heli god mode works great againt weapons, but its leaked because a car, another heli, or even a bike, just need to touch it to make great damage. This script protect locked helis from contact damage from another vehicles, making god mode complete.

    Put the script bellow in a file and name it nohelicrash.sqf. Put this file at the root of your mission folder, or mission PBO, and exec it on init.sqf with the command: if (hasInterface) then {[] execVM "nohelicrash.sqf";};

    //Nohcrash donn_NHC_horn_alert = false; donn_GHL_helis = [ 'CH53_DZE', 'MH6J_DZ', 'AH6X_DZ', 'UH1H_DZE', 'Mi17_DZE', 'Mi17_Civilian_DZ', 'UH60M_EP1_DZE', 'MV22_DZ', 'CH_47F_EP1_DZE', 'AN2_DZ' ]; donn_vehCenter = { _vehicle = _this; _vehCenter = getPosATL _vehicle; _vehCenter }; donn_GHL_maxSpeed = 35; [] spawn { _fpsNow = diag_fps; while {true} do { _fpsNow = round ((_fpsNow * 2 + diag_fps)/3); if (_fpsNow > 60) then {donn_GHL_maxSpeed = 70;}; if (_fpsNow <= 60) then {donn_GHL_maxSpeed = 60;}; if (_fpsNow <= 40) then {donn_GHL_maxSpeed = 50;}; if (_fpsNow <= 30) then {donn_GHL_maxSpeed = 40;}; if (_fpsNow <= 20) then {donn_GHL_maxSpeed = 35;}; uiSleep 2; }; }; donn_GHL_ejectKamiTry = { private ['_car','_ejecterPos','_nearAir','_nearAirAll','_canbuild','_carCrewCount']; _car = _this; if (speed _car > 2) then { _canbuild = canbuild; _nearAirAll = nearestObjects [_car, donn_GHL_helis, 120]; _nearAir = []; { if (_canbuild) then { if (alive _x && Locked _x && !(isEngineOn _x)) then { _nearAir = _nearAir + [_x];}; } else { if (alive _x && !(isEngineOn _x)) then {_nearAir = _nearAir + [_x];}; }; } forEach _nearAirAll; { [_car, _x] spawn { private ['_minDistance']; _car = _this select 0; _heli = _this select 1; _sizeCar = sizeOf (typeOf _car); _sizeHeli = sizeOf (typeOf _heli); _minDistance = (_sizeHeli/2 + _sizeCar/2) * 1.1; _isAir = _car isKindOF "Air"; if (_isAir) then { while {((getPosATL _car) select 2) > 1 && alive _car && (isNull (driver _car))} do { if ((_car distance _heli) < _minDistance) then { _carNowPos = getPosATL _car; _car setPosATL [_carNowPos select 0, _carNowPos select 1, (_carNowPos select 2) + 25]; }; sleep 0.001; }; } else { while {(speed _car) > 1 && alive _car && (isNull (driver _car))} do { if ((_car distance _heli) < _minDistance && ((getPosASL _car) select 2) >= (((getPosASL _heli) select 2)-1)) then { _car engineOn false; _car setVelocity [0,0,0]; }; sleep 0.001; }; }; }; } forEach _nearAir; }; }; donn_GHL_nearestFound = false; [] spawn { while {true} do { donn_GHL_playerVeh = vehicle player; if (donn_GHL_playerVeh != player) then { if (driver donn_GHL_playerVeh == player) then { while {driver donn_GHL_playerVeh == player} do { _nearAir = nearestObjects [donn_GHL_playerVeh, donn_GHL_helis, 50]; _nearestFound = false; if (canbuild) then { { if (alive _x && Locked _x && !(isEngineOn _x)) then { if (((getPosASL donn_GHL_playerVeh) select 2) >= (((getPosASL _x) select 2)-1)) then { donn_GHL_nearest = _x; _nearestFound = true; }; }; if (_nearestFound) exitWith {}; } forEach _nearAir; } else { { if (alive _x && !(isEngineOn _x)) then { if (((getPosASL donn_GHL_playerVeh) select 2) >= (((getPosASL _x) select 2)-1)) then { donn_GHL_nearest = _x; _nearestFound = true; }; }; if (_nearestFound) exitWith {}; } forEach _nearAir; }; donn_GHL_nearestFound = _nearestFound; sleep 0.001; }; donn_GHL_playerVeh call donn_GHL_ejectKamiTry; donn_GHL_nearestFound = false; }; }; sleep 0.5; }; }; [] spawn { while {true} do { waitUntil {donn_GHL_nearestFound}; _player = donn_GHL_playerVeh; _nearest = donn_GHL_nearest; _sizePlayer = sizeOf (typeOf _player); _sizeNearest = sizeOf (typeOf _nearest); _isAir = _player isKindOf "Air"; _minDistDirect = (_sizePlayer/2 + _sizeNearest/2) * 1.1; _airPlayerDist = _player distance _nearest; _firstSafe = true; if (_airPlayerDist < _minDistDirect) then {_firstSafe = false;}; _playerPosSafe = getPosATL _player; while {_nearest == donn_GHL_nearest && donn_GHL_nearestFound} do { if (_airPlayerDist < _minDistDirect) then { if (_isAir && _firstSafe) then { _playerNowPos = getPosATL _player; _speedPlayer = speed _player; _hTp = 30; if (_speedPlayer <= 80) then {_hTp = 25;}; if (_speedPlayer <= 65) then {_hTp = 20;}; if (_speedPlayer <= 55) then {_hTp = 15;}; if (_speedPlayer <= 45) then {_hTp = 10;}; if (_speedPlayer <= 35) then {_hTp = 5;}; if (_speedPlayer <= 25) then {_hTp = 3;}; if (_speedPlayer <= 15) then {_hTp = 1;}; _player setPosATL [_playerNowPos select 0, _playerNowPos select 1, (_playerNowPos select 2) + _hTp]; } else { _speedPlayer = speed _player; _retarder = (donn_GHL_maxSpeed/(_speedPlayer + 1)) min 1; _velP = velocity _player; _player setVelocity [(_velP select 0) * _retarder, (_velP select 1) * _retarder, (_velP select 2) * _retarder]; _nearestPosNow = getPosATL _nearest; _newPosMoveTo = [ ((_nearestPosNow select 0) + ((_playerPosSafe select 0) - (_nearestPosNow select 0)) * 1.05), ((_nearestPosNow select 1) + ((_playerPosSafe select 1) - (_nearestPosNow select 1)) * 1.05), 0.1 ]; _player setPosATL _newPosMoveTo; _playerPosSafe = _newPosMoveTo; }; if (!donn_NHC_horn_alert) then { donn_NHC_horn_alert = true; [] spawn { systemChat 'No no no! (-)_(-)'; sleep 3; donn_NHC_horn_alert = false; }; }; } else { _firstSafe = true; _playerPosSafe = getPosATL _player; }; sleep 0.001; _airPlayerDist = _player distance _nearest; }; }; };
  3. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to Donnovan in Dramatic Suicide Script   
    I like to say thankyou to Grafzahl for the Suicide Script.
    I made is happens faster, and more dramatic.
    Aditional info:
    - Player scream sound is in-world and can be heard by other players and zombies.
    - The gun shot sound, for the player, is the normal gun *ploc* and a personal dramatic gun shot that is not heard in-world. The others just listem the abitual gun *ploc*.
  4. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to jOoPs in [HowTo] add Chernarus-Spawnselection   
    1. if the spawnselection-dialog doesnt appears, you missed to call the patched player_monitor.sqf/fsm files
    2. if you spawn after selection on an "default" randomspawn, then you missed to update your serverfiles (server_playerSetup.sqf)
    3. to avoid empty worldcoords make sure you have bugfixed your compiles.sqf (endLoadingScreen; >>>> endMission "END1";) and dont miss to add _spawnSelection = 9; to your varibales.sqf
  5. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to KPABATOK in Recruiting Pilots/Drivers as well as experienced shooters   
    You should rename your clan "Sons of Socialism" :)
  6. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Recruiting Pilots/Drivers as well as experienced shooters   
    Had a good laugh reading this post. Thank you!
  7. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to Richie in Dayz standalone moving to a new engine   
    You think ? I've seen the review of H1Z1 and can see why people are getting refunds.
  8. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to RimBlock in Plot4life or plot management which one   
    To clear up any confusion...
    A Plot for Life.
    For Plot Owners
    A Plot for life allows you to build on any plot you own including after death. 
    For people tagged as friendly
    It also alows you to build on someone elses plot if you have them tagged as friendly and after you look at the owners game character one time after logging in (each time you login).  This is to prevent people building on plots you own without you at least being aware some building is going on (a 'friend' deciding to grief your base cannot do so if they login and cannot look at your game character that session).  That feature is standard Epoch.
    Take Ownership (can be turned on or off)
    Takes ownership of all buildable items and assigns these items to the current plot pole owner.  If someone else has built something on your plot then you don't have to do 6 cycles to remove it (friendlies take twice as long to remove as the items owner in standard Epoch).  You also need ownership rights to remove the majority of buildables.  You can raid and hold a base but cannot build and remove as if it was built by you unless you are able to take ownership (unless other custom mods have changed the standard Epoch behaviour).  Locked items are excluded from the take ownership function meaning you still have to tran and break in to safes and locked doors.
    Open doors and safes you own without needing to supply a combination.
    This was a feature half implemented in Epoch but which could not be fully enabled due to how the object ownership data was stored with lockable items.  That has been fixed with A Plot for Life so owners do not need to provide codes for locks they own but still do for locks they do not own.
    Merged with Precise Base Building and Snap Build Pro.
    No need to install these mods seperately as they are already included merged and ready to run.  A new version of Vector Building is also completing testing to be compatible with A Plot for Life v2.5 and should be out soon.
    Code optimisation.
    During the development and maturity of A Plot for life, various other bits of the Epoch building system code have been 'tweeked' to make them more efficient.  Some common code blocks have been given their own external functions to cut down on code duplication and reduce file size. 
    Plot management adds a nice simple GUI for plot builder management, enables building after death and removes the need for plot friendlies to 'see' the plot owners each time they login before they can start building.  It also has a version that integrates with the Single Currency system for paying for maintenance. 
    Using both together is pretty simple and gives the functionality of A Plot for Life with a nice simple GUI for builder managment.
    A scroll wheel system for builder management (add / remove builders, turn build rights on / off without builder removal etc), is planned for the next version of A Plot for Life but there is no current ETA (ie. it will not be soon).  I am currently spending some time on our new Arma 3 mod - Dominion.
  9. Like
    -Dutchy- got a reaction from Muffin Man in Added item to trader but no nice name? [RESOLVED]   
    You need to do the following :
    1. Goto the bottom of the first post, hit Edit.
    2. Then hit Use Full Editor.
    3. Goto Topic Title and edit the topic. 
    4. Done!
    Hope i helped you out :)
    Kind Regards,
  10. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to 0verHeaT in [Release] DC Dupe Fix [experimental]   
    Since a special method for duplicting his own gear on Arms 2 Epoch has become quite popular the last month, I though about a possible way to stop this. The so-called DC dupe allows any player to dupe their entire gear at any storage unit. I don't think I have to explain this more clearer cause the most of you guys know how it works.   How would you stop the player from duping?   My solution:   Whenever a player opens his gear menu infront of any storage unit, he sets temporary variable (boolean) to the storage unit.  After closing the gear dialog the variable is set through publicVariables to false. That means, if a player has lost his connection the variable can't be set to false and this will be reported to the server logs. Additionally the server checks if a player has lost the connection after closing the gear dialog (with 'isPlayer' command). If the 'isPlayer' command does not return a player, we know that he is trying to dupe and we can delete the duped gear.   Theoretically this sounds quite convincing, but keep in mind that this is only experimental at the moment. Thus this script is recommended for advanced server owners only, because it can cause huge errors if it is not installed correctly! If you find any bugs or errors, please report them here!   My Github: https://github.com/0verHeaT/DCDupeFix
  11. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to player2 in [Release] Anti-Wall-Crawl   
    Prevents players from using the custom prone animations added by the smk_anims_lite package included with overwatch to move straight through both base and map objects.
    It prevents this by fully preventing players from using the movement part of this package at all, and it further prevents players from using the animation at all if near a player built or map object to prevent players from using it to kill people through walls. I wrote this because on the whole I like the animation package and wanted to keep it on my server rather than remove it to prevent exploits.
    Kronzky's String Library
    Installation Instructions:
    Download this, save it as: <YourMissionFile> \ compile \ p2_antiWallCrawl.sqf: 
    Open your publicEH.sqf file...
    Find This:
    Add These on new Lines Below:
        Open your player_monitor.fsm file... Find This: Add This on a new Line Below:   
    Open your player_humanityMorph.sqf file...
    Find This: Add This on a new Line Below:   
      If you have not already extracted any of these files, you will need to learn how to pull them out of the dayz_code.pbo for dayz epoch, over-write the \z\addons location calls for them, etc, I do not have time to give support on how to do that in this thread, so you will have to rely on the search feature.
    For some ridiculous reason I'm not allowed to upload .sqf so I've provided a .txt based mirror via the forums here instead of an .sqf mirror like intended...You'll have to rename it to from .txt .sqf if you download it via this thread attachment.
  12. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to RimBlock in [WIP] - Better refueling (Accurate fuel capacity, multiple fuel sources, choose vehicle to refuel, GUI).   
    Epoch Better Refueling.
    GIThub: Better Refueling.
    Dropbox: Better Refueling.
    Overall status: This is now a work in progress. 
    Current Phase being worked on: Phase 1 & 2 [Fuel truck Beta released].
    This is a  mod aimed at improving the fuel pump / fuel truck setup in Epoch. 
    Current release.
    Realistic fuel capacity for air and sea vehicles (an AH6 is faster to fill than a Blackhawk for example). Faster flood fill for large vehicles from the fuel truck. Refueling 'cycles' depend on capacity from the fuel truck. Choose which vehicle in range to refuel from the fuel truck. Fully configurable via variables.  You can change Flood fill vehicle list (default is realistic vehicles) Vehicle capacities (default is actual vehicles fuel capacities) Fuel Truck fueling litres / cycle (default would be realistic if one cycle = 1 minute - which it does not) Flood fill litres / cycle (default would be realistic if one cycle = 1 minute - which it does not) Fuel truck refuel range. This project is being done in my own spare time and will be provided to all, free of charge.  Peoples entitlement level is directly relational to the cost :D.
    I am very happy to have others join me in creating this mod. I firmly believe in pooling resources from the community to make a better end product. If you wish to join me then let me know here or PM me. All contributors will be listed here and in the readme file that will come with the mod download.  Contributors can, of course, remain anonymous if they prefer.
    Planned features by phase
    (current status in []);

    Install Instructions

    Other contributors to this project.

    Comments, suggestions, desirables all welcome. 
  13. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to mgm in [RESOLVED] Traders slow to respond or don't respond at all   
    So I did the following:
    1. grep'd Epoch missions directory and took out every single createAgent line
    2. eliminated duplicates
    3. posting the 167 unique results below.
    We should be good to use any of the skins listed below as a quick response server_trader.
    For any other newbies (like me), here are some tips - ensure:
    1. The skin you're addingis not already in use. (I suggest using grepWin free software to quickly check)
    2. The skin you're adding is not a trade item, so that players can not became traders automagically (the tool above should help you with this one too!)
    3. The skin you're adding is included in your server_traders.sqf file in the 1st line.
    4. The skin you're addingis included in your server_traders.sqf file below 1st line with the addition of "menu_" [see the examples in the file]
    5. The trader you're adding is somewhere in the server side pbo so that the 'agent' exists in the game world.

    Thanks for posting the few above.
  14. Like
    -Dutchy- got a reaction from mgm in [RESOLVED] Traders slow to respond or don't respond at all   
    You actually can ;)
    edit your main post, scroll a bit down and click on "Use full Editor"
    Should work :)
  15. Like
    -Dutchy- got a reaction from Corper in where do i find the editable .sqf's for scripts and map addons   
      Other words, don't worrie about it :P
    NOTE: In the * tutorial* i explain 2 ways on how to add the buildings to your server, server side and client side. I reccomend adding them server side.
    There are 2 ways of adding buildings to your server, with the MPMissions folder (client side) or with the dayz_server.pbo (server side). People have full access to the MPMissions folder since, when they join your server, they download this folder. People do not have any access to the dayz_server.pbo since its server side only.
    Finally, editing :)
    So when you don't care if your Buildings get stolen or not, you could use the MPMissions folder, by editing the Init.sqf you can add them to your server.
    The init.sqf is located in your MPMissions folder, in your server's directory. Example; C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DayZEpochServer\MPMissions\Init.sqf
    Every body's path is driffent since every body likes to name their folders something else.
    So once you've opend your Init.sqf, scroll all the way down (yes all the way down), and paste the line [] execVM "location of your builds\the buildings sqf file name.sqf";
    Example mine is in my server folder, but say it was in my MPMissions foler, i keep it in a Addons folder, then a Buildings folder to keep it all organised and neet. So the path would be: [] execVM "Addons\Buildings\CustomBuildings.sqf"
    You've got 2 important files in your server, the dayz_server.pbo and the MPMissions. dayz_server.pbo = server side only and the MPMissions is being downloaded by the client, giving him full access to the file. Putting addons (mods) in your MPMissions gives less stress to your server but when adding custom addons that no other server has, they'll get stolen by clients since they have full access to it.
    So now that we know a little about the MPMissions folder, let's move on to the safer file, dayz_server.pbo
    This is a more safe and secure way to add in Custom addons, Buildings you've placed in the editor are also Custom addons since you can't find them on any other server but yours. 
    Its basically the exact same way but just a diffrent folder.
    So what you do is unpack your dayz_server.pbo with a unpacking tool, i like to use pbo manager.
    Once unpacked, open up the init folder, then open the server_functions.sqf
    Scroll all the way down (hint: all the way), and past the same line that you past in the MPMissions folder.
    [] execVM "location of your builds\the buildings sqf file name.sqf";
    Example mine is in my server folder, i keep it in a Addons folder, then a Buildings folder to keep it all organised and neet. So the path would be: [] execVM "Addons\Buildings\CustomBuildings.sqf"
    Questions that might pop in your head;
    Whats a path?
    A path is kinda like a road for your server to find his a goal/ destonation.
    So it opens (follows) diffrent kinds of folders (roads) to get to a certain file (destonation/ goal).
    What is server side?
    Server side is server only, so this is being executed (run) by the server. Say you add buildings, its being ran by the server and people do not have access to these files.
    What is client side?
    Client side are your players, they download the MPMissions folder and have full access to this folder. Remember when ever you join a server your downloading the mission file? That's the MPMissions folder you're downloading.
    Again, i highly recommend keeping your own scripts/ addons/ buildings/ you name it, to your self. And if you want to hand out buildings/ addons/ scripts/ more, just make a post on the forums about it and release it. There are enough people out there that copy and steal your hard work and call it theirs, and sometimes even get money for it. 
    If you have any questions or if you have no more hair to pull out, let me know and ill send you a wig ;)
    PS: Or you could just send me a PM or reply to this topic :D
  16. Like
    -Dutchy- got a reaction from Getrekt in AU Bonfire 1,2&3 Admin abuse & ddos..   
    Wow... Sorry to hear that this has happens to you man, but unfortunately you're one of the many... He's done it to others as you can see at the end: "Feel free to attempt to charge back, you'll fail just like the others".
    The main reason there is so much admin abuse is because of infistar, no i'm not hatin on infistar...
    Admins abuse because they Can and it is easy, You know how easy it is just to spawn in your base, tp back to a mission after being killed or just to fuck around with somebody because its funny?
    Have you seen in big ass list a admin can do? Flying/ drive 10000000000 miles an hour, spawn in all items, god mode, skin changer, become a animal and more and more and more. I have to say some of these are useful since DayZ, as we all know, isn't perfect and still has some small bugs in it so its good for refunding. But its mostly used for the admin's own good...
    I've been there Many times and decided to just run my own server since there is to much admin abuse or donator bullcrap. There are clear rules on these forums regarding Donating, a lot of servers have "Donator Shops" which are clearly just regular shops. But no, server owners are hiding behind the word "Donator". If they would be real strict and look at all DayZ server, i think 60% + would be gone.
    So i'm going to try and develop my own anti- hack with admin tools.
    Once again i'm not hatin on infistar...
    Anyhow, i hope you Do find a good server one day that hasn't got admin abuse and where you can actually start enjoying DayZ without all the drama. Since if its not hackers, its admins.
  17. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to Goober in Working Dayz Epoch Headless Client for Zed Spawn and FSM   
    What this is:
    1)  Customization at the mission folder level (e.g. \MPMissions\Dayz_Epoch_<number>.<mapname>).  It is changes and additions to mission files that are loaded at server startup and when each client connects.
    2)  It is a method of dynamically tracking connected Headless Clients and maintaining a list of available ones on the server.
    3)  It is changes to the way the player client runs the player_spawnCheck->building_spawnCheck->zombie_generate->zombie_agent.fsm/zombie_loiter chain to make zombies spawn and behave the same  INDEPENDENTLY (no reliance on the variable "player") of which client spawned them.
    4)  It is a way (in theory) of reducing zombie location lag by having all zeds controlled by low latency clients.
    5)  It furthers experimentation in using targetted publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient message semaphores.
    6)  It is TLDR ... (if you got this far .. good for you).
    7)  HC keeps zeds from disappearing just because a player disconnects (doesn't affect 25m radius on player connect)..
    What this isn't:
    A)  Well tested.  My test bed is an 8 core computer on which I developed the scripts without BE operational so that I could run my player client and headless client off the same key without Arma throwing a fit.
    B )  This scripting doesn't address the occasional problem of headless clients joining the server and landing in the wrong slot.  This is usually a problem when the HC joins before the server processes mission.sqm.
    C)  This is not hooked into animal spawning so it doesn't offload animal spawning.
    D)  The code does not have the "hint" and "diag_log" lines commented out that I used for development.
    E)  This is not a step by step set of instructions in how to make it work on your server.  I authored it and got it to work on mine using vanilla Dayz-Epoch on the 1.5 Lingor map (the larger one).  If you do not understand function overloading and what instruction to change to make it work with another mod, then this is not for you.
    edit 2: (the file attachment is not working, so use this external link instead)
    my server startup options:
    "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2325 -cpuCount=4 "-config=instance_7_Lingor\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_7_Lingor\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_7_Lingor" -name=instance_7_Lingor "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@lingor;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
    excerpt from config.cfg:
    requiredBuild = 103718; localclient[]={""};   headless client startup:  (sorry, still some steam path stuff here ... but you should get the idea) "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" -skipIntro -nosplash -showScriptErrors -noPause -client -connect= -port=2325 -nosound "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" "-mod=@lingor;@dayz_epoch" -cpuCount=2 -name=HeadlessClient -profiles=HeadlessClient   ---------------------------------------------------- least painful way to try to assure the HC goes into the CIV slot 1) start server 2) start player client - connect to lobby of server 3) start headless client --------------------------------------------------- HOW it does it:   1) Server listens (via publicVariableEventHandler) for heartbeats from headless clients and updates and administers list of currently connected HCs. 2) Headless Clients send publlcVariableServer message once every 3 seconds as a heartbeat signal. 3) Player's player_spawnCheck function sends a publicVariableServer to request a zed and loot spawn cycle 4a) Server checks for presence of active HCs... if available, it sends publicVariableClient message to do zed and loot spawn to a random HC. 4b) If no HC in Server's list, then Server sends publicVariableClient message back to player client to do its own zed and loot spawn.   PROPS: Some parts (HCsignals.sqf) inspired by (but not copied from) Unit Caching and Distribution Script by Dylan Plecki (Naught). Of course a lot of the code I mangled is the Dayz-Epoch and by extension all the Dayz code that went before it, but all the changes I wrote myself (not bragging ... this forum category requires original code only)   edit1: p.s. Forgot to mention I also have a pet peeve fixed in the "fixes\player_spawn_2.sqf" file.  It corrects the speed and weight carried effect on hunger.  Without this fix, your hunger would seem to go nuts based on travel speed while in a vehicle.  This makes sure that when you are doing 200kph in a Mi17, you are not starving at the end of your 2 minute heli ride across the map.  The _thirst calculation corrects for vehicle travel so I thought the _hunger calculation needed it also. _hunger = +((((r_player_bloodTotal - r_player_blood) / r_player_bloodTotal) * 5)) * 3; if (!_inVehicle) then { _hunger = _hunger + (_speed + dayz_myLoad) *3; };  
    edit 3:  if you see a file attachment below, it doesn't seem to be working.  Use the link above in the middle of the post.
  18. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to RimBlock in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Plot For Life v2.5 with Snap Pro v1.4.1 & Precise Base Building 1.0.4 (Built for Epoch   Current Version Note: If you are also going to use other building mods (Vector build etc) then please check the other mods have been updated to work with v2.5 before installing.  If they have not then please use A Plot for Life v2.35 which can be downloaded from the links further down this post.   Dropbox: A Plot for Life v2.5 GitHub: A Plot for Life v2.5   V2.4 -> 2.5 upgrade.    1. Download and replace the following files in MPMissions\[Mapname]\Custom\Compile. fn_check_owner.sqf fn_find_plots.sqf 2. Download and merge (see the diffmerge tutorial links further down) the server files found in $SERVERHOME\custom (changes are fairly minimal).   That is it.   New features. Merged in Precise Base Building from his kind permission.  Please show your appreciation to him as well.
      Core Features. The whole system is is switchable between characterID and PlayerUID by setting a variable. All items built after the mod is installed with have the PlayerUID and the characterID stored for ownership checking (locked buildables will only have the PlayerUID stored as the characterID field is used for the lock code). Includes the code to allow either SteamID or BIS PUID (written by icomrade). You can turn on the plot boundary from the plot pole and remove it.  Currently I am using the road cones with lights on top which are also visible at night.  They can be changed. Take Ownership is available from the plot pole to the plot poles owner and allows them to take ownership of all buildables in range excluding  locked storage (safes / lockboxes), tents, locked doors.  This can be changed as it is all controlled via variables.  The core idea is that this will align peoples bases to the new system for steamID storage on legacy bases.  It also means that raiders can raid a base, replace the plot pole, take ownership and not get full access to locked areas but not have 6 cycles to remove stuff etc after taking over.  Depending on the size of the base, number of objects etc this could put a bit of load on the server / DB.  It is also turn off or on-able via a variable so you can set it only to allow players to realign their bases and then disable the option. New function to check ownership or friendly status of a given object. Merged with Snap Pro and Modular build framework with permission from Raymix Please show you appreciation to Raymix as well). Uses the modular build system.
    New functions to reduce instances of common code in the building system.  Both are small and precompiled.
    fn_check_owner.sqf to check ownership and friendly status
    fn_find_plots to get all nearby plot poles and return a count and the nearest alive one (if one exists).
    Optimised code changing nearestobjects to nearEntities.
    Added delay in the Take Ownership function so the Hiveext / DB does not get spammed when taking ownership of large bases.
    Player_build.sqf is no longer used at all and had been removed from the distribution.
    Optimised code what has saved between 20k & 30k in the mission package size.
      Install Instructions are in the zip file (A Plot for Life v2.5).   Guides on how to use Diffmerge and how to integrate scripts together.   Please backup your databases and thoroughly test before putting live.   Report any bugs / suggestions in the thread.   Previous version 2.35 Dropbox: A Plot for Life v2.35 & Snap Pro (by Raymix) v1.4.1 GitHub (v2.35 stable): A Plot for Life v2.35 & Snap Pro (by Raymix) v1.4.1   Outstanding issues None reported. Next Version: 3.0
    Include a action menu (scroll wheel menu) for plot options and builder / owner management ()  
    Beta Testing
    As it seems theres no with an interest to do any beta testing I need to sweeten the deal.  Anyone who helps with beta testing will get access to boobytrapping doors 4 weeks before it is released publicly.  The 4 weeks will start from the v2.4 release date and will include any bug fixing period.  
    Boobytrapping Doors - If you have a hand grenade then you can upgrade a locked door to boobytrap it.  If the incorrect door code is entered then the hand grenade will be dropped at the position the player was when they boobytrapped the door (make sure you are on the correct side of the door when setting the trap  ;) ).
    Releases   Naming convention  

    Previous releases (Majors)

      Use and Distribution License details.   This mod is licensed under the DayZ Mod License Share Alike (DML) license.   Usage For people wishing to use the mod for their own servers, please use away.  If advertising the mod as a feature of your servers then a shoutout and a linkback to here would be appreciated but is not a requirement.   Distribution For people wishing to modify and distribute my code for this mod, the requirements are different. 1. You contact me and ask (common courtesy really). 2. You make it clear who the original creator is and provide a link to this thread.   Included mods. A Plot for Life v2.35 (Rimblock). <- is fine.
    Included mods.
    A Plot for Life
    "credits to each addon / script creator" <- is not.
    3. The person distributing the mod explicitly states that they are responsible for any issues with their modified version of the mod and not the original creator (i.e. me).
    4. Any other requirements under the  DayZ Mod License Share Alike (DML) license.
  19. Like
    -Dutchy- got a reaction from gunnar in denmark Pack (new towns)   
    I am amazed, amazing pack mate!
  20. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to Stoney in Epoch Buildables (Permanent Owner/Remove Builds Fix) [90% complete]   
    Ok I have been editing the files for a few days now to make epoch buildables use the PlayerUID and not the CharacterID. I'm not doing this via the database as shown in other threads I am altering the code so this does not require a server restart etc. So far I have managed to:
    All buildings are saved to database under CharacterID as the players PlayerUID (DONE/FIXED)
    Lockables doors once built save the combination to CharacterID and then when downgraded returns the PlayerUID (DONE/FIXED)
    Owner can place and remove plot pole without loosing toolbox (DONE/FIXED)
    Owner can build near his plot pole (DONE/FIXED)
    Owner can upgrade/downgrade near his plot pole (DONE/FIXED)
    Buildables are kept after death and do NOT require a server restart (DONE/FIXED)
    Players were unable to remove walls with doors once downgraded (AT ALL even after restart) (DONE/FIXED)
    TO DO:
    Friendly tagged players are un-able to build near the plot pole
    - I have edited player_tagFriendly.sqf but my efforts did not work
    If any one would like to contribute to this then please reply here or join my teamspeak 3 -
  21. Like
    -Dutchy- reacted to vbawol in Epoch Mod for Arma 3   
    Arma 3 Epoch Mod will be a total conversion mod coded from the ground up, and no longer based on DayZ. Many of the key ideas from DayZ Epoch will play a major role in Epoch Mod however everything else will change!
    More will be announced early this year.
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