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Status Replies posted by Sandbird

  1. Hey Sandbird,

    I have downloaded the 3D editor for Arma 2 Dayz Epoch and followed your steps. All seems to work good. I can create client side scripts and they work fine. I am trying to call a server side script which is using Arma2Net and MySQL to call a SQL statement. Maybe a noob question, but I don't know if the emulator is working correct for the dayz_server part. I am not abble to send a call to the function which is in the dayz_server map. I tried two different approaches. One with PublicVariable and one with the BIS_fnc_MP approach. This is my code:


    "test" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn on_test};
    on_test = {
    	_selectTest = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension "Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['dz_cherno_test', 'SELECT * FROM player_data LIMIT 3']";			


    publicVariableServer "test";


    The BIS_fnc_MP construction:

    // Server side code in dayz_server folder.
    test = {
     	_selectTest = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension "Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['dz_cherno_test', 'SELECT * FROM player_data LIMIT 3']";			
    // Client side code (on action menu clicked)
    [[],"test",false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

    It seems that I cannot simulate the communication between the client and server code. Do I missed something? Or do I need to configure something else to make this work in the editor?



    1. Sandbird


      Sorry for the sooooo late reply....I forgot i had no notifications on.

      I dont know if you solved this, but the trick with the 3d editor thing is to remember that server and client are both the running at the same machine...There is no real server anymore....So 'publicVariableServer' will not work.

      But....publicVariable will ....since it considered a client think.....So if you rename all your commands to publicVariable it should work....Just remember to rename them back to publicVariableServer when you try it on the real thing.

  2. Sandbird did anyone ever find a fix for infistar not allowing non admins to use your nos? I tried the only fix posted to no avail. Also awaiting reply from infistar. Thanks bud.

    1. Sandbird


      Sorry for the late reply, i've stopped playing Dayz and only today i thought about checking how things are with epoch.

      I saw today that someone else released a Nitro script...Are you using his or mine ? If you are using mine, then you need to do the following.
      First make sure in your client files you got variable nitroinstalled to the vehicle when the user adds nitro to it. If i am not mistaken, it is already doing so.

      We'll use this variable inside the AH.sqf to check if the player is inside a car that has that variable...If he is, then ignore the Antihack speed limit.
      So open your AH.sqf
      Search for _veh != player   you should have that value 2 times. We want to edit the part where under this value it has some

      (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseMoving';

      type of lines....Basically anything about MouseHolding, MouseMoving, Keydown, etc.

      Now, above that line there should be a _veh = vehicle player;  variable. Right under that put this code:

      _isNitroAttached = false;
      _isNitroInstalled = _veh getVariable['nitroinstalled',0];
      if (_isNitroInstalled == 1) then {
      	_isNitroAttached = true;

      and finally  under that where it says: if((_veh != player)&&{(!(_veh isKindOf 'ParachuteBase')&&!(_veh isKindOf 'BIS_Steerable_Parachute'))})then you need to edit that line and add our _isNitroAttached to it as well....so it should be:

      if((_veh != player)&&{(!(_veh isKindOf 'ParachuteBase')&&!(_veh isKindOf 'BIS_Steerable_Parachute')&& !(_isNitroAttached) )})then

      So basically what we do here is:

      - Check if the car has variable nitroinstalled  to it. (set by the client files, when the use added nitro)
      - Do the speed nerfing thing EXCEPT if the vehicle is a kind of ParachuteBase AND doenst have variable nitorinstalled to it.

      So it will totally ignore the speed of the vehicle when it has nitro installed.


      You'll have to do this edit every time there in an AH update.

      Hope that helps.


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