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    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from Andy.txt in Battlefield 1.0   
    So this is a epoch event with treasure loot, renamed to battlefield?
  2. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from juandayz in Debug Monitor Infistar   
    so you change some colours and the format a little bit and charge £50...
    Do me a favour go work for survivalservers they are expert on ripping people off like that.
  3. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from juandayz in Debug Monitor Infistar   
    That is pretty retarded of you.
  4. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from juandayz in Looking for help with setting up allowed vehicles. Having server_functions errors and disallowed vehicles still spawning   
    Vehicle spawns are set in server PBO - missions - *mission name* - dynamic_vehicle.sqf
  5. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from Pfeiff in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    sounds like a fn_selfaction problem to me
  6. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from AiiDynBrus in Mods aren't working..   
    Here you go
    This probably won't fix your problem but it helps having it organized, i noticed you have alot of duplicate dayz_spaceinterrupt and player_updateGUI files for your scripts. What i would recommend is downloading diffmerge (file comparing software) and comparing your duplicate files and adding all your edits in one file and then changing the path in compiles to that file.
    Good luck getting vector snap and p4l working it took me a while and a lot of stress
  7. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from ryker in Walking Dead Zombies   
    It seems you're struggling at this, the file you want to edit is fn_damagehandler.sqf
    Here is my file so you can compare and edit to your liking
    scriptName "Functions\misc\fn_damageHandler.sqf"; /*********************************************************** PROCESS DAMAGE TO A UNIT - Function - [unit, selectionName, damage, source, projectile] call fnc_usec_damageHandler; ************************************************************/ private ["_unit","_humanityHit","_myKills","_hit","_damage","_isPlayer","_unconscious","_wound","_isHit","_isInjured","_type","_hitPain","_isCardiac","_isHeadHit","_isMinor","_scale","_canHitFree","_rndPain","_rndInfection","_hitInfection","_lowBlood","_isPZombie","_source","_ammo","_unitIsPlayer","_isBandit"]; _unit = _this select 0; _hit = _this select 1; _damage = _this select 2; _unconscious = _unit getVariable ["NORRN_unconscious", false]; _isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB"; _source = _this select 3; _ammo = _this select 4; _type = [_damage,_ammo] call fnc_usec_damageType; _isMinor = (_hit in USEC_MinorWounds); _isHeadHit = (_hit == "head_hit"); //_evType = ""; //_recordable = false; _isPlayer = (isPlayer _source); _humanityHit = 0; _myKills = 0; _unitIsPlayer = _unit == player; if (_unitIsPlayer) then { if (_hit == "") then { if ((_source != player) && _isPlayer) then { //Enable aggressor Actions if (_source isKindOf "CAManBase") then { _source setVariable["startcombattimer",1]; }; _canHitFree = player getVariable ["freeTarget",false]; _isBandit = (player getVariable["humanity",0]) <= -5000; _isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB"; if (!_canHitFree && !_isBandit && !_isPZombie) then { //Process Morality Hit _myKills = 0 max (1 - (player getVariable ["humanKills",0]) / 5); _humanityHit = -100 * _myKills * _damage; /* PVS/PVC - Skaronator */ if (_humanityHit != 0) then { [_source,_humanityHit] spawn { private ["_source","_humanityHit"]; _source = _this select 0; _humanityHit = _this select 1; PVDZE_send = [_source,"Humanity",[_source,_humanityHit,30]]; publicVariableServer "PVDZE_send"; }; }; }; }; }; }; //PVP Damage _scale = 700; if (_damage > 0.4) then { if (_ammo != "zombie") then { _scale = _scale * 5; }; if (_isHeadHit) then { _scale = _scale * 5; }; if ((isPlayer _source) and !(player == _source)) then { _scale = _scale + 500; if (_isHeadHit) then { _scale = _scale + 500; }; }; switch (_type) do { case 1: {_scale = _scale + 800}; case 2: {_scale = _scale + 800}; }; if (_unitIsPlayer) then { //Cause blood loss //Log Damage /* if (DZE_Debug_Damage) then { diag_log ("DAMAGE: player hit by " + typeOf _source + " in " + _hit + " with " + _ammo + " for " + str(_damage) + " scaled " + str(_damage * _scale)); }; */ r_player_blood = r_player_blood - (_damage * _scale); }; }; //Record Damage to Minor parts (legs, arms) if (_hit in USEC_MinorWounds) then { if (_ammo == "zombie") then { if (_hit == "legs") then { [_unit,_hit,(_damage / 6)] call object_processHit; } else { [_unit,_hit,(_damage / 4)] call object_processHit; }; } else { [_unit,_hit,(_damage / 2)] call object_processHit; }; if (_ammo == "") then { [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_processHit; }; }; if (_unitIsPlayer) then { //incombat _unit setVariable["startcombattimer", 1]; }; if (_damage > 0.1) then { if (_unitIsPlayer) then { //shake the cam, frighten them! //player sidechat format["Processed bullet hit for %1 (should only be for me!)",_unit]; 1 call fnc_usec_bulletHit; }; if (local _unit) then { _unit setVariable["medForceUpdate",true,true]; }; }; if (_damage > 0.4) then { //0.25 /* BLEEDING */ _wound = _hit call fnc_usec_damageGetWound; _isHit = _unit getVariable[_wound,false]; if (_unitIsPlayer) then { _rndPain = (random 10); _rndInfection = (random 500); _hitPain = (_rndPain < _damage); if ((_isHeadHit) || (_damage > 1.2 && _hitPain)) then { _hitPain = true; }; _hitInfection = (_rndInfection < 1); //player sidechat format["HitPain: %1, HitInfection %2 (Damage: %3)",_rndPain,_rndInfection,_damage]; //r_player_infected if (_isHit) then { //Make hit worse if (_unitIsPlayer) then { r_player_blood = r_player_blood - 50; }; }; if (_hitInfection) then { //Set Infection if not already if (_unitIsPlayer && !_isPZombie) then { r_player_infected = true; player setVariable["USEC_infected",true,true]; }; }; if (_hitPain) then { //Set Pain if not already if (_unitIsPlayer) then { r_player_inpain = true; player setVariable["USEC_inPain",true,true]; }; }; if ((_damage > 1.5) && _isHeadHit) then { [_source,"shothead"] spawn player_death; }; }; if(!_isHit) then { if(!_isPZombie) then { //Create Wound _unit setVariable[_wound,true,true]; [_unit,_wound,_hit] spawn fnc_usec_damageBleed; /* PVS/PVC - Skaronator */ _pos = getPosATL _unit; _inRange = _pos nearEntities ["CAManBase",1000]; { // only send to other players if(isPlayer _x && _x != player) then { PVDZE_send = [_x,"Bleed",[_unit,_wound,_hit]]; publicVariableServer "PVDZE_send"; }; } count _inRange; //Set Injured if not already _isInjured = _unit getVariable["USEC_injured",false]; if (!_isInjured) then { _unit setVariable["USEC_injured",true,true]; if ((_unitIsPlayer) && (_ammo != "zombie")) then { dayz_sourceBleeding = _source; }; }; //Set ability to give blood _lowBlood = _unit getVariable["USEC_lowBlood",false]; if (!_lowBlood) then { _unit setVariable["USEC_lowBlood",true,true]; }; if (_unitIsPlayer) then { r_player_injured = true; }; }; }; }; if (_type == 1) then { /* BALISTIC DAMAGE */ if ((_damage > 0.01) && (_unitIsPlayer)) then { //affect the player [20,45] call fnc_usec_pitchWhine; //Visual , Sound }; if (_damage > 4) then { //serious ballistic damage if (_unitIsPlayer) then { [_source,"explosion"] spawn player_death; }; } else { if (_damage > 2) then { _isCardiac = _unit getVariable["USEC_isCardiac",false]; if (!_isCardiac) then { _unit setVariable["USEC_isCardiac",true,true]; r_player_cardiac = true; }; }; }; }; if (_type == 2) then { /* HIGH CALIBRE */ if (_damage > 4) then { //serious ballistic damage if (_unitIsPlayer) then { [_source,"shotheavy"] spawn player_death; }; } else { if (_damage > 2) then { _isCardiac = _unit getVariable["USEC_isCardiac",false]; if (!_isCardiac) then { _unit setVariable["USEC_isCardiac",true,true]; r_player_cardiac = true; }; }; }; }; if (!_unconscious && !_isMinor && ((_damage > 2) || ((_damage > 0.5) && _isHeadHit))) then { //set unconsious [_unit,_damage] call fnc_usec_damageUnconscious; };  
  8. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from satansof2 in Is there a way to increase the "object" amounts per plot pole?   
    Yes in the init
    And yes the one i poseted a player can build up to 800 objects on a 30m plot
  9. Like
    Pro_Speedy reacted to Zupa in Removing hotwire kits from loot table?   
    ctrl + f -> "hot" -> delete ^^
  10. Like
    Pro_Speedy reacted to DaBi in [Release] Paint Vehicles   
    These are the errors my RPT throws up

    They only get shown when this was added
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Pro_Speedy reacted to Zupa in Looking for someone to install scripts? Send me a PM - Now Including OverPoch   
    I think the epoch forums need some extra moderators ^^
  13. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from NetShark in Disable Key Removing on Selling   
    Not a new trader a new trade_any_vehicle file or whatever you will have to move them to the mission and edit them
    You will need to move a file into the mission and edit the comples.sqf for the new path and change the path of the trade_any_xxx files in the file you moved over.
    Let me know if you need it more specific
  14. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from Rocu in Issues: lose money on skin change & no coins dropped on death   
    here is my check_wallet.sqf
    private ["_body", "_hisMoney", "_myMoney", "_killsH", "_test2", "_headShots", "_test","_playeridke","_humanity"]; _body = _this select 3; // Check if closest player _PlayerNear = _body call dze_isnearest_player; if (_PlayerNear) exitWith {cutText [localize "str_pickup_limit_4", "PLAIN DOWN"]}; _name = _body getVariable ["bodyName","unknown"]; _hisMoney = _body getVariable ["cashMoney",0]; _myMoney = player getVariable ["cashMoney",0]; _myMoney = _myMoney + _hisMoney; _body setVariable ["cashMoney", 0 , true]; player setVariable ["cashMoney", _myMoney , true]; systemChat format ['You took %1 coins, ID says %2 !',_hisMoney,_name]; sleep 2; _cid = player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; _cashMoney = player getVariable ["cashMoney",0]; if(_cashMoney > 0) then{ }else{ _cashMoney = 0; }; player setVariable ["moneychanged",1,true];
  15. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from Soul in Bug Reporting   
    Just an FYI during the whole installation process i was editing ALL of the files using Beyondcomapre like you said so please.
    It was just me looking in every other file apart from that one 
    What about the AI thing?
    Thank you
  16. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from Nakama Mind in Skins stopped working?   
    I have similar issues please report back if you find a solution
  17. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from js2k6 in LoSe Weight Fast   
    If you are going to spam atleast make some sense please!
    Like seriously what is wrong with you?
  18. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from drbendoverjr in dayz infistar anti hack files?   
    This guy DEFINITELY uploaded it there please BAN this scum! I hope your server does well you C*NT
  19. Like
    Pro_Speedy reacted to Gr8 in LMAO   
    saw this in scripting help section. Notice the guy last replied, and the replied time

  20. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from Gr8 in Need a scripter   
  21. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from mudzereli in How to remove building decay?   
    Use -1 not 999
  22. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from PryMary in Error on new box   
    Ok thanks for explaining
  23. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from RimBlock in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    And also i'm assuming that server monitor is supposed to be used to change stuff in server pbo not kept in mission?
  24. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from ReDBaroN in =BTC=_Logistic (DayZ Epoch Version)   
    That would be great! 
    Thanks alot
  25. Like
    Pro_Speedy got a reaction from SideShowFreak in Infistar Problem With Overpoch Server   
    What you need to do is go to your dayz_anim.pbo on your Overwatch on your server and go in and remove all the banned vehicles
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