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    hansi got a reaction from jOoPs in [HowTo] add Chernarus-Spawnselection   
    download link for napf: http://en.file-upload.net/download-10433269/Napf-Spawnselection.rar.html
    download link for sauerland: http://en.file-upload.net/download-10433490/Sauerland-Spawnselection.rar.html
    download link for tavi (origins): http://en.file-upload.net/download-10433523/Tavi-Spawnselection.rar.html
  2. Like
    hansi reacted to falconsan in Summer or winter . . .   
    i have a question to the community.
    I think about it, to release my map in two different versions. One version as a summer map and the other as Sauerland special winter edition?
    What will be your favorit map / style?
  3. Like
    hansi reacted to striker in [Release] Build Vectors - Rotate objects in Dayz Epoch (v2.34 P4L & non-P4L)   
    Credit Is Due Where Due


    Special Thanks to Raymix and his Script!
    Special Thanks to RimBlock and his 
    Special Thanks to Jossy and the future improvements I hope to see from him! Check out his work
    Special Thanks to KamikazeXeX for his changes to the AdminBuild for Snap Building Pro and his help!
    These files have been tested and work on the maps Chernarus and Taviana.

    Warning: This script is fairly untested and could cause unforeseen problems. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
    Please backup your database before you implement this encase something goes wrong!

    Newest Build Vectors Installation (version 4)
    Snap Build Pro Only
    Files & Install guide
    Plot 4 Life & Snap Build Pro

    Install Guide:

    Legacy Installation (version 3)

    Road Map
    Keep menus up when clicked for better user experience Known Issues
    None Change Log

    Version 1:
    Version 1.1:
    Updated server_monitor.sqf to make sure the vector is the correct format.
    Version 2:
    Updated files for the snap building pro update v1.3.
    Added files for Adminbuild and Right Clickables.
    Version 3:
    Updated files for snap building pro v1.4.1
    Ghost preview supported (Thanks Jossy!)
    Version 4:
    Cleaned up some of the HORRENDOUS code :P
    Fixed issue with objects not snapping correctly to objects of a certain degree after restart. ;)
    Appreciate and support my work?
  4. Like
    hansi reacted to Soul in Custom HiveExt.dll Release   
    These shortcodes are used in the repo titles, this indicates what the specific repo is for.
    SC     >>> SingleCurrency
    MC     >>> MultiChar
    999    >>> 998/999 custom query supported
    Custom HiveExt.dll and needed sqf files + sql query file available on:
    Variant 1:DayZ-Epoch_SCHiveExt

    Variant 2: Dayz-Epoch_SCMCHiveExt

    Variant 3: DayZ_epoch_SCMC999HiveExt

    Variant 4: DayZ_epoch_SC999HiveExt

    All 4 variants have the following in common.
    - New CHILD:298 >>> fetching player bank data, used while player joins server
    - New CHILD:299 >>> updates player bank data, used when banking.
    - New CHILD:104 >>> gets all adminuids + their adminlevel from the admin_data table. (can be used to restrict access to admin tools aswell as infiSTAR AH)
    - Updated CHILD: 101 >>> checks if player exists in banking_data table and adds ifnot or updates playername if change detected
    - Updated CHILD:102 >>> added selection of cashMoney field during retrieving survivor data on login.
    - Updated CHILD:201 >>> added element to handle players cashmoney during updates to database.
    What is in variant 1?
    Everything stated above.
    What is in variant 2?
    Added support for AxeCop's multi char mod. and everything that you have in variant 1.
    What is in variant 3?
    Added support for 999 database calls so you can do custom database queries and
    everything found in variant 1 & 2. Only use this variant is you really want to use 998/999
    calls despite of the security risks attached to them.
    What is in variant 4?
    Added support for 999 database calls so you can do custom database queries and
    everything found in variant 1. Only use this variant is you really want to use 998/999
    calls despite of the security risks attached to them.
    What else can i find on the github repo's?
    Run this file on your database by dragging and dropping
    It will add the field "CashMoney" to the character_data table and
    it will create a new table called "banking_data" with fields "PlayerUID,"PlayerName","BankSaldo"
    Only run this file if you had Zupa's first release installed and you have players that have goldcoins stored in the headshots field.
    It will grab the value from "HeadShots" and put it in "CashMoney" for each row in your "character_data" table.
    Only run this file if you had Zupa's first release installed and you have players that have goldcoins stored in the "morality" field?
    It will make db entries for all players in "player_data" in the "banking_data" table and add the corresponding values from the "morality" field
    into the "banksaldo" field.
    This file will add a table called "admin_data", this can be used in combination with infiSTAR AH or any other tool you need restricted access
    to. Intended for advanced users.
    Server folder:
    Contains all files that where modified from Zupa's v1.1 version
    Take care and use a diffmerge tool like BeyondCompare, better safe then sorry.
    Mission folder:
    Contains all files that where modified from Zupa's v1.1 version.
    Take care and use a  diffmerge tool like BeyondCompare, better safe then sorry.
    BE filters:
    This needs to be added in the first line with !="" values inside the publicvarible.txt if using BE filters.
    Add it after the last !="" value. If using BE filters and you skip this step your players will get kicked for trying to send this PV to the server.
    !="PVDZE_bank_Save" Before installing:
    Always make backups of everything!
    Q: Will support for AxeCops multi char mod be added in this hive?
    A: There is a 2nd version of the custom hiveext.dll that has support added for this mod.
    Q: Will there be 999 call support in this custom hiveext.dll
    A: There is a 3rd version of the custom hiveext.dll that has support for everything in version 1 & 2 and added support for 999 calls.
    Q: Does this hive have support vanilla epoch base maintenance?
    A: Yes it has the required funtionality as this hive was build of the last version released by VB[Awol]
    Q: Why are there 4 different variants of this custom hive?
    A: More flavours to choose from really. It enables you to either use or stay away from the unsafe 999 calls and still use this custom hive for single currency.
    Got any more question? Leave a post and i'll add them to the main post's Q&A section.
    Cheers Soul!
  5. Like
    hansi reacted to Zupa in [Outdated] [Release] Single Currency & Banking 1.1   
    Outdated, already built into Epoch 1.0.7
    Single Currency & Banking
    999 Hive: 1.1 Arme2Net: 0 ExtDB: 0 Own Hive: 2.0 (NEW) DEFAULT HIVE: 3.0 recommended ->  EXCLUSIVE NEW
    Loud has did the dll changes to have our own support ( Titan did this great work aswell, but Loud his ones are better since it will give a nicer support on axe multichar ( 1 bank for 3 chars). + the bank is seperate from the character, linked to PUID. If character data is corrupt in titans version you will loose your bank.
    I will extend this post later ( i have to go in 10min). But find the Topic here already:
    This script adds virtual money on a players character. Next to that there is a global banking linked to your playerid. No more gold items in your precious inventory.
    Trade with gold coins (not an item) Give coins to other people Take coins from dead bodies Bank coins at ATM's Bank coins at Open Safes/Lockboxes Configurable currency name Configurable limits on bank for normal/donators. The current release will sacrefice your headshots coins for your money, other version releases will probably change this to an independent field. This option will stay for people not willing to change the database.
    PlayerMade Addons:
    Force Update on disconnect: (Soul)
    infiSTAR Anti-Hack Additions - Add Money to player (kaotix)
    Please make a new topic for every big/issue you want to report. We will get to you as soon as possible.
    Known Issues:
    No Maintaining with the 999 hive 
    We are going to revive axes maintain to solve this for the 999 version.
    Download and instructions:
    Currently on an external website, will be made more clear later
    Fixed money duping Configurable banks and Currency name 1.0
    Innitial release.
    We are planning to release multiple versions with different backbones. We have 4 versions in mind who all be developped eventually. We know the 999 is the worst solution, but it works for now.
    Macca : Made the original single currency on ccg servers which is the skeleton of this project. AsReMix: Making the innitial fancy debug. MGM: Making a nice structured Thread and contacting people. All the people helping on the project ( individually added later) Screenshots:

    If you still using 1.0, this is the duping fix
    Change the followig in your server pbo, compiles/server_playerSync.sqf
    at line 117
    _headShots =     ["headShots",_character] call server_getDiff; to
    _headShots =     0;
  6. Like
    hansi reacted to Rocu in [Issue] Players get negative sums in cashMoney across restarts   
    Seems like this indeed does work. Haven't tested it 100% but at first glance it seems like it fixed the main issue.
    Great find. Kudos for you!
    You should prob. make a pull request on Zupa's GitHub for this since it's quite the issue. Or at very least it should be included in the library.
    And just to make things easier here's the step-by-step of what mdc did to his files:
    Open server_playerSync.sqf from your server's PBO.
    _cashMoney = ["cashMoney",_character] call server_getDiff2; Add below:
    _cashMoneyStr = _cashMoney call MDC_fnc_numberToString; Find:
    ,_cashMoney]; Replace it with:
    ,_cashMoneyStr]; Open your custom compiles.sqf from your mission PBO.
    At the very top, add:
    MDC_fnc_numberToString = { _number = _this; _str = ""; if (_number == 0) then { _str = "0"; } else { _negative = false; if (_number < 0) then { _number = abs _number; _negative = true; }; if (_number % 1 == 0) then { while { _number > 0 } do { _digit = floor (_number % 10); _str = (str _digit) + _str; _number = floor (_number / 10); }; } else { _decimals = _number % 1; _decimals = _decimals * 1000000; _number = floor _number; _str = _number call MDC_fnc_numberToString; _str = _str + "." + str _decimals; }; if (_negative) then { _str = "-" + _str; }; }; _str; };
  7. Like
    hansi reacted to jOoPs in [HowTo] add Chernarus-Spawnselection   
    People asked for it and here it is... All necessary files are included in the zip-archive. The rest is basic knowledge.
    first a list of modified files (which are not part of zip-archive!)
    - description.ext
    - init.sqf
    - mission.sqm
    - compile/server_playerSetup.sqf
    added folders and files (content of zip-archive)
    - dayz_code/config/
      - RscDisplaySpawnSelecter.hpp
    - dayz_code/system/
      - player_monitor.fsm
      - player_monitor.sqf
    download the attached zip-archive  and extract the file(s) from client-folder into your missionfolder. Copy and replace the file(s) from server-folder in your dayz_server.pbo. If you use other folderstructures/filenames, change the given paths. for DZE v1.0.4 download player_monitor-104.zip and replace with the given from first zip-archive!
    in description.ext add at bottom ...
    #include "dayz_code\config\RscDisplaySpawnSelecter.hpp"
    in init.sqf add to listed variables
    dayz_spawnselection = 1; // DayZ Spawnselection / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled, No current spawn limits.
    in init.sqf delete following line ...
    _playerMonitor =     [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
    and replace with that one...
    _playerMonitor =     [] execVM "dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
    in mission.sqm replace class Markers with that ones...

    thats all
    credits for main-code/graphics goes to thevisad
    - never set spawnArea to 0 ...or you spawn at map-center
    - markers are changed for chernarus instance 11
    - you need 6 spawnpoints in marker-class ... look for comments
    - spawn0 to spawn5 marker are used for random
  8. Like
    hansi reacted to jOoPs in [HowTo] add Chernarus-Spawnselection   
    updated: player_monitor151.zip
    - simply replace the files ..
    btw. open your variables.sqf and add after DZE_SaveTime = 30;
    this line: _spawnSelection = 9;
  9. Like
    hansi reacted to Mikeeeyy in [Release/Addon] Build Snapping - Support for more buildables! (Safe, Storage Shed, 1/2 Floors, 1/4 Floors etc...)   
    [Release/Addon] Build Snapping - Support for more buildables! (Safe, Storage Shed, 1/2 Floors, 1/4 Floors etc...)
    Hey all, this is an addon to @OtterNas3's Build Snapping v1.6. It simply adds snapping support for a few more buildables which his current version doesn't support.
    @OtterNas3 - If you have any problems with this just message me, also feel free to add the snap points to your script.

    Buildables supported:
    WoodRamp_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. VaultStorage/VaultStorageLocked - Allows snapping to the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. TentStorage - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. TentStorageDomed/TentStorageDomed2 - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. StorageShed_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. WoodFloorHalf_DZ - Allows snapping to the front, back, left and right sides. WoodFloorQuarter_DZ - Allows snapping to the front, back, left and right sides. WoodStairsSans_DZ/WoodStairs_DZ/WoodStairsRails_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. GunRack_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. WoodCrate_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. Requirements:
    OtterNas3's Build Snapping - this should already be installed! Installation:
    Open the 'points.hpp' file located inside the build snapping folder. Scroll to the very bottom. Just before the very last '};' paste in the contents of the spoiler. Save the file and that's it!

    Credit to OtterNas3 for the amazing Build Snapping script!
  10. Like
    hansi reacted to boyd in [Release] Skin Trader 0.6 (Buy any arma skin)   
    I have finally made a release able version of my skin trader, it is far from being done but it works great.
    The skin trader has all skins from Arma but if your on Overpoch or any other Addons on your server, you can easily add the skins to the list of either men or woman clothing.
    Before you buy a new skin you have to make sure your not wearing a backpack, once you bought a skin you can no longer use the epoch skins to change into any other skin you need to buy the skin on top of the list to do this again.
    As this is not a final release any bugs or problems are all welcome and i will try to solve them.


    Download link here.
    1. Open description.ext at very bottom add this:
    //Skin Trader #include "Skin_Trader\dialog\common.hpp" #include "Skin_Trader\dialog\SkinGui.hpp" 2. Open your custom variables and change this:
    //Model Variables Bandit1_DZ = "Bandit1_DZ"; Bandit2_DZ = "Bandit2_DZ"; BanditW1_DZ = "BanditW1_DZ"; BanditW2_DZ = "BanditW2_DZ"; Survivor1_DZ = "Survivor2_DZ"; Survivor2_DZ = "Survivor2_DZ"; SurvivorW2_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ"; SurvivorW3_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ"; Sniper1_DZ = "Sniper1_DZ"; Camo1_DZ = "Camo1_DZ"; Soldier1_DZ = "Soldier1_DZ"; Rocket_DZ = "Rocket_DZ"; AllPlayers = ["Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorWcombat_DZ","SurvivorWdesert_DZ","SurvivorWurban_DZ","SurvivorWsequishaD_DZ","SurvivorWsequisha_DZ","SurvivorWpink_DZ","SurvivorW3_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","Bandit2_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","BanditW2_DZ","Soldier_Crew_PMC","Sniper1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Rocket_DZ","Rocker1_DZ","Rocker2_DZ","Rocker3_DZ","Rocker4_DZ","Priest_DZ","Functionary1_EP1_DZ","GUE_Commander_DZ","Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","Haris_Press_EP1_DZ","Pilot_EP1_DZ","RU_Policeman_DZ","pz_policeman","pz_suit1","pz_suit2","pz_worker1","pz_worker2","pz_worker3","pz_doctor","pz_teacher","pz_hunter","pz_villager1","pz_villager2","pz_villager3","pz_priest","Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ","Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ","Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ","Drake_Light_DZ","CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ","FR_OHara_DZ","FR_Rodriguez_DZ","CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","Graves_Light_DZ","GUE_Soldier_MG_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ","GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ","GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","TK_Special_Forces_MG_EP1_DZ","TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","TK_Commander_EP1_DZ","RU_Soldier_Crew_DZ","INS_Lopotev_DZ","INS_Soldier_AR_DZ","INS_Soldier_CO_DZ","INS_Bardak_DZ","INS_Worker2_DZ"]; To this:
    AllPlayers set [count AllPlayers, "Bandit1_DZ", "Bandit2_DZ", "BanditW1_DZ", "BanditW2_DZ", "Survivor2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", "Sniper1_DZ", "Camo1_DZ", "Soldier1_DZ", "Rocket_DZ"]; 3. Now look for this in your Mission.sqm
        class Groups     {         items=2; Change it to:
    class Groups { items=3; Now look for this at around line 1155:
    class Item1 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={8810.7705,138.52499,11751.518}; id=50; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="FunctionsManager"; leader=1; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; After the "};" add this:
    class Item2 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={6303.8,0.001,7795.03};//Trader City Stary azimut=138.222; special="NONE"; id=101; side="GUER"; vehicle="UN_CDF_Soldier_SL_EP1"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;this enableSimulation false;this setcaptive true;this addAction [""Men Clothing"",""Skin_Trader\open_dialog.sqf""];this addAction [""Women Clothing"",""Skin_Trader\open_dialog2.sqf""]"; }; }; }; 4. Now copy the Skin_Trader to your MPMissions folder.
    Infistart FIX
    Open AHconfig.sqf and find this:
    /*  ALLOWED Dialogs       */ _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144]; Change it to this:
    /*  ALLOWED Dialogs       */ _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,20001,20002,20003,20004,20005,20006]; Future Plans:
    The ability to preview the skin with a better camera view.
    Change log:
    Removed all the clothing from men and woman that are being used by traders from any map.
    Removed all woman clothing that din't work, only civilian left now.
    Original script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12113
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