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    yani9o got a reaction from Mexx82 in [Release] Cen's Custom GUI for Epoch/Overpoch   
    Defay, you are my hero! Thanks for putting that stuff together :D
    edit: works like a charm btw ;)
    Can you point me where i can change the "Restart in (min):"-Label that way it shows the temperature instead (using namalsk and just running the server when my friends and i are playing)?
    Got it:
    Changed classes 1422 and 1425 (1425 is the label text) in description.ext.
    in player_updateGui.sqf: changed all "_ctrlServerRestart" in "_ctrlTemperature" and all "_RestartTime" in "_PlayerTemperature_Amount" ( change it's value at line ~43 to "round(dayz_temperatur)" - without the " )
    -> It goes now from 42 (max) to 27 (min)

    Now i only got the problem that the cold isn't doing anything - but thats about another mod i think... - that random chance... it's working, just got "lucky" when testing ^^
    greetz ^^
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    yani9o got a reaction from SideShowFreak in [Tutorial] How to change (Blood,Hunger,Thirst,Temp) GUI   
    Just do it like in this
    Get the player_monitor.sqf from your dayz_code/system and place it in your mission (i placed it in custom).
    Open it and change the path of the player_monitor.fsm (mine is custom/player_monitor.fsm).
    Open init.sqf and change the path of player_monitor.sqf (could be that you have player_monitor.fsm there... - mine is custom/player_monitor.sqf).
    Got it working that way ;)
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    yani9o reacted to Defay in [Release] Cen's Custom GUI for Epoch/Overpoch   
    Hey guys,
    so I saw that there are lot of people asking how to get an GUI looking like this:

    This is not my work, I'm only posting a tutorial on how to do it. This is from user Cen who was so nice to share it with us.
    All credits go to: Cen
    1.) First download these files and extract them in the root of your mission folder or mission.pbo.
    Download Link or Attached files.
    2.) Add this to the bottom of description.ext
    class RscPictureGUI { access = 0; type = 0; idc = -1; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0.38,0.63,0.26,0.75}; font = "TahomaB"; sizeEx = 0; lineSpacing = 0; text = ""; style = "0x30 + 0x100"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.2; h = 0.15; }; class RscTextGUIK { type = 0; idc = -1; style = 0x02; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}; //color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}; font = "TahomaB"; size = 0.03; sizeEx = 0.03; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.1; h = 0.2; }; #include "dayz_code\gui\ATD_Hud.h" 3.) Add this line to a custom compiles.sqf or overwrite the path in the existing compiles.sqf (depends how you call yours).
    I will not do a tutorial on how to add custom compiles as there are plenty of them already out here on this forum.
    player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf"; 4.) Edit ATD_Hud.h to your liking.
    And that should be it! If you have any questions or problems with it, please post down below and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible or send me a PM.
    Let me know how I did for my first tutorial and thanks again to Cen for the HUD and letting me post a tutorial on this.
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    yani9o reacted to MatthewK in dayZ Night Lighting   
    Anyone ever get an answer to the big question: How do we turn off the lights? Axeman! 
    I've been asking this question since last year. Nobody on here ever gives a straight answer and the one guy that can, seems to ignore the question altogether.  Seriously, does anyone actually know how to turn off the bloody lighting system?  In my init.sqf , the lighting system line is commented out. So where else do I look to change it? We all now you're proud of your lighting system, Axeman.  it really is truly amazing (from a programming point of view).  But some of us don't like it, non of my players like it.  So can I please turn it off !!!!!!
    I'm pretty sure i'm not the only person get frustrated with the lack of straight answers on this type of question.
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