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Posts posted by DeanReid

  1. If you are spawning cars with EAT then disable 

    /*  Vehicle Tradercheck   */ _VTC =  true; /* true or false */ /* checks if a player is near a trader when 'purchasing' a vehicle */
    that will stop you getting kicked when spawning perm vehicles.
    I'd recommend keeping that true though and limit your spawning to trader zones only 
    also if you have the spam the AH generates then remove all lines that have
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
    _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
    and that should get rid of most of the console spam. its only a temp fix. I'd keep a backup of both your database and ah.sqf just incase bad things happen. I was working on a Linux conversion, but at the rate Chris updates the AH it gets annoying having to re-do it all I'm going to speak to him about adding an option for Linux to main releases
  2. I got the same proble3m, i done the same changes in all the files like in the Video #4


    and I also updated my Character_DATA.


    Now when i try to use YOUR linked writer-pl from the video get and Error:

    ./epoch.sh: ./writer.pl: /usr/bin/perl^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

    I got my Epoch-Server in /home/steam/epoch_napf/epochserver


    before I tried your writer.pl i could join and got Charakter-selection, but the character didn't get saved (on every join i had to select a new char)


    Now with Your writer.pl i can't even start the Server please help me!! :(


    That error is due to Microsoft not saving the file correctly 


    If I remember correctly you can type this in VIM so open file and then press ESC and type the below :) 

    :set fileformat=unix
  3. you could make a script that gets input from the chat like

    _chat = _display displayCtrl 28;
    _text = ctrlText _chat;
    if(_tex in ["/rules"]) then {
    systemChat "====Rules====";
    sleep 0.5;
    systemChat "No Haxors";
    sleep 0.5;
    systemChat "No camping safezones";
    sleep 0.5;
    systemChat "Kill me";
    sleep 0.5;
    systemChat "Love infiSTAR";

    should work. you will need to double check the displayCtrl number for the chat box because I can't remember, if I find out ill update the post

  4. Not without knowing the key.  There's ways it could be put in "code" where it wasn't blatantly obvious that the files were watermarked at all.  You could create a key for each copy of the server files given out.  Say it goes like this.....  File abc.sqf, third line, 4th word, second character.  File xyz.sqf, 10th line, 2nd word, 8th character.  And so on until you have an email address or UID of the person the files were given to.  The only way to decipher the "code" would be to have the key which is kept by the devs only.  Otherwise it just looks like proper code because it is.  There would be nothing for anyone to remove, since by removing anything you break something that's needed to work, as all parts of the code itself are legit.  All that matters is the key.


    all you need to do is find where they add up all the Variables to get the code and then  //

  5. while { true } do { 
    waitUntil {_gearO = findDisplay 106;!isNull _gearO;};
    [player,1200,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;



    If you are doing it for when a player opens gear this will wait until the person opens the gear and then spawn zombies

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