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    RC_Robio reacted to Helion4 in Future of Arma 3: Epoch Mod   
    Getting paid to mod has been happening in Arma 3 since 2013, just not in any professional form. I cant imagine the numbers involved in life/epoch/exile etc modding scenes and how much people have 'earned'.
    CDLC programs are nothing like mods, they are created addons that have to live inside BI & Arma 3's commercial boundaries, with no financial return or success guaranteed.
  2. Like
    RC_Robio got a reaction from vbawol in What can I say.   
    Thank you for that. 
  3. Like
    RC_Robio got a reaction from vbawol in What can I say.   
    Thank you Vbawo! After all these years, I have some of the best friends that I made through your mod. 
  4. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to TolH in Simple Server -LogReader- in python   
    If you are like me and love to make random Arma3 server for fun "LOCALLY". And/or making scripts and want to look for errors or whatever without opening the .rpt manually to keep track of your errors, then you can use this, made in python to stream your .rpt live on a second screen to see whats going on? Then maybe you will find an utility for it.
    What is this script doing ?
    Well it's main function is to constantly stream your server .rpt in a seperate window to keep track of anything you like.
    Right now i use it to see any errors and copy the errors to a file when found.
    It also copy "tickets" or "idea" from a function i have on the server to a file.
    Can be expanded to suit your need for anything you like if you know a tiny bit of python like i do.
    Video link:
    The script:
    Can be easily tested in VSCode, to get a cmd prompt like in the video, you will need some setting on opening a .py file.
    #//=======================================================// import sys, time, os, glob#, psutil #//=======================================================// # §§§ CONFIGS START HERE §§§ #//=======================================================// # # (SET YOUR OWN PATH TO SERVER .rpt FILE!) AUTO OPEN LATEST CREATED .RPT FROM SERVER, NO FILE NEED TO BE CREATED! Server_RPT_location = 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Arma 3/SC_0908_MAIN/*.rpt' # (SET YOUR OWN PATH TO SERVER .err FILE!) YOU HAVE TO CREATE THE FILE FIRST! Error_logs = 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Arma 3/SC_0908_MAIN/-=ERRORS_LOGS=-.err' # (SET YOUR OWN PATH TO SERVER .tck FILE!) YOU HAVE TO CREATE THE FILE FIRST! Tickets_logs = 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Arma 3/SC_0908_MAIN/-=TICKETS_LOGS=-.tck' # #//=======================================================// # §§§ CONFIGS END HERE §§§ #//=======================================================// os.system("") class ColorStyle(): RED = '\033[91m' GREEN = '\033[92m' BLUE = '\033[0;94m' YELLOW = '\033[0;93m' BLACK='\033[0;90m' PURPLE='\033[0;95m' CYAN='\033[0;96m' WHITE='\033[0;97m' RESET = '\033[0m' #//=======================================================// print (ColorStyle.YELLOW + ''' ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ _____ _ _____ _ _ | | | __ \ | | / ____| (_) | | | | ___ __ _| |__) |___ __ _ __| | ___ _ __ | (___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_ | | / _ \ / _` | _ // _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __| | |___| (_) | (_| | | \ \ __/ (_| | (_| | __/ | ____) | (__| | | | |_) | |_ |______\___/ \__, |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_| |_____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__| __/ | | | |___/ |_| |______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______| ''') #//=======================================================// array_char_sel = ['.',':'] time_cnt = 0 log_delay = 30 #wait 15 seconds so server can create .log files first before starting main loop sys.stdout.write('Loading latest Arma3_server log:') # for tick_range in range(log_delay): sys.stdout.write (array_char_sel[0]) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.5) time_cnt = time_cnt + 1 # if (time_cnt == log_delay): sys.stdout.write (array_char_sel[1]) print(ColorStyle.GREEN + "\n") # # #//=======================================================// open_Server_RPT_location = open(max(glob.glob(Server_RPT_location),key=os.path.getctime), 'r') #read latest .rpt log file from server keep_reading_loop = 1 read_speed = 0.010 #DEFAULT 0.010 #//=======================================================// # SERVER HAS BEEN STARTED AND LOGS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE, STRATING LOOP while (keep_reading_loop == 1): # Server_RPT = open_Server_RPT_location.readline() #read latest .rpt file from server open_Error_RPT_location = open(Error_logs, 'a') #append latest .err errors file from server write_Tickets_logs = open(Tickets_logs,'a') #append latest .tck tickets file from server # #if Server_RPT.isascii(): #Returns True if all characters in the string are ascii characters if Server_RPT.find(":") != -1: time.sleep(read_speed) print(Server_RPT.strip ("\n")) # if (Server_RPT.find("ERROR") != -1) or (Server_RPT.find("Error") != -1) or (Server_RPT.find("error") != -1): print(ColorStyle.RED + Server_RPT.strip ("\n") + ColorStyle.GREEN) open_Error_RPT_location.write("%s %s" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), Server_RPT)) # if Server_RPT.find("PLAYER CONNECTED") != -1 or Server_RPT.find("PLAYER DISCONNECTED") != -1 or Server_RPT.find("SL_Zeus") != -1: print(ColorStyle.BLUE + Server_RPT.strip ("\n") + ColorStyle.GREEN) # if Server_RPT.find("TIMSBR SUBMITBOX:") != -1: print(ColorStyle.YELLOW + Server_RPT.strip ("\n") + ColorStyle.GREEN) write_Tickets_logs.write("%s %s" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), Server_RPT)) # if Server_RPT.find("Class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base destroyed with lock count") != -1: keep_reading_loop = 0 # else: #Arma3server_Running = "arma3server_x64.exe" in (p.name() for p in psutil.process_iter()) time.sleep(0.5) #if (Arma3server_Running == False): #keep_reading_loop = 0 # #//=======================================================// open_Server_RPT_location.close() open_Error_RPT_location.close() write_Tickets_logs.close() loopEnded = input(ColorStyle.RED + ' -=============(ARMA3 SERVER IS NOT RUNNING OR CRASHED!!! Press enter to exit or restart)=============-' + ColorStyle.RESET) #//=======================================================// # TODO ADD CHOICE TO EITHER EXIT OR RESTART THE SERVER #os.startfile('D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\SC_0908_MAIN\LogReader_Server.py')  
  5. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Hi!   
    Yeah, so hi. What's everyone up to? :)
  6. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Tyler in [TUTORIAL] Short Day/Night Cycle   
    It took some looking around in order to get this to work, so I figured I would make one post with all the information you need to have a short day/night cycle on your DayZ Epoch or OverPoch server.
    This post is broken down into
    1. Features
    2. Installation
    3. Customization
    4. Credit
    + Ability to speed up day and night cycle.
    + Ability to slow down day and night cycle.
    + Ability to speed up/slow down only day or only night cycle.
    This installation guide is for a server wanting 2 hours day and 1 hour night - Assuming you already have a 3 hour restart.
    You can change your values following the guide after the installation.
    1. Unpack your mission PBO using your favourite PBO tool.
    2. Open up your init.sqf and add this line at the very bottom
    //Time Cycle [6,true,10,1,true,10] execFSM "Scripts\core_time.fsm"; 3. Create a new folder in your mission directory called Scripts
    4. Inside that folder, create a new file called core_time.fsm and paste the following code into it.

    5. Unpack you Server PBO using your favourite PBO tool.
    6. Open up the System folder and open server_cleanup.fsm using your favourite text editor.
    7. Look for the following code and DELETE it from the file. (It may cause the server to be stuck at a specific time)
    /*%FSM</LINK>*/ /*%FSM<LINK "___min_loop">*/ class ___min_loop { priority = 4.000000; to="sync_time"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"((diag_tickTime - _lastUpdate) > 300)"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_lastUpdate = diag_tickTime;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; 8. Open your HiveExt.ini located in your instance folder (Depending on host) and set the Type = to static and the Hour = to whatever you wish. (I use Hour = 8)
    So it should look like this
    [Time] ;Possible values: Local, Custom, Static ;You cannot use Static on OFFICIAL Hive, it will just revert to Local Type = Static ;If using Custom type, offset from UTC in hours (can be negative as well) ;Offset = -10 ;If using Static type (Hour value always the same on every server start), the value (0-24) to set the Hour to Hour = 8 9. Repack mission/server PBO and ENJOY! 
    Customizing these files to your liking is actually very simple. 
    Looking at the line we added to the init.sqf:
    [6,true,10,1,true,10] execFSM "Scripts\core_time.fsm"; The 6 tells the server that every minute in real life is 6 minutes in game time for day-time hours (6am to 8pm)
    And the 10 on the end, just before the closing bracket tells the server that every minute in real life is 10 minutes in game time for night (8pm to 6am)
    Simply customize this to your liking.
    For example if I wanted daytime to go by 10 minutes/minute and night time to go by 4 minutes/minute the code would look like this
    [10,true,10,1,true,4] execFSM "Scripts\core_time.fsm"; All you have to do it adjust this code in your init.sqf, and customize your Hour = X in your HiveExt.ini to your liking.
    Hope this helped!!
    I take no credit for the codes provided.
    I simply made one post with all the information needed.
    HAVE FUN!!!!
  7. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Harkness in [RELEASE] MF-Tow 1.0.7   
    From what I see this was made by user matt-d-rat about 6 years ago. All i did was light up a few smokes and update all the old variable names to get it running on our 1062 + 107 servers from which we use a lot of scripts from here so here is a contribution back from me. I only added Epoch Vehicles in there.
    Original Instructions
    Original Thread
    All you need to do is follow matt-d-rats Original Instructions above, But instead of using the old files he made use my edited versions below
  8. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Liqu1dShadow in [Outdated] Full Server Files/Scripts Release (Cherno and Tavi).   
    Evening all....
    I am pulling out of Arma Dayz.... so I have attached the server files for both my Arma2 Devils Playground servers with some very unique and custom scrips. over 2,500 hours of work and 8 years of experience.
    My (Left4Dead) witch that everyone has tried to steal is in there.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/vvv2v7simvz5hsv/Server Giveaway.zip?dl=0
    Server side files (except for KFC Admin Tools, they are removed) Mission Side Keys (Taviana as its the origins version not Taviana2.0) Battleye Filters  
    I'm not offering any support for these files, how to use them or if you cant get them working, you can take what you like and use what you want. please don't use the name "Devils Playground" and change any artwork how you see fit. If you see the names Liqu1dShadow, Arrakis, SapphireBunny or Loki in the scripts... they are all me.
    Features list of both servers: can be seen on Discord https://discord.gg/rJqwb8B
    - A Standalone mixed with vanilla feel
    - No air vehicles at all and no armed military except 2 which are rare mission only finds
    - No humanity, everyone gets XP
        - 125XP for a player kill (if you kill the same player twice you get 120XP)
        - 25XP for any AI
        - 2XP for a zombie
        - 15XP if you bury a body
        - 10XP if you cut up a body
    - Building limits are based on XP, the more XP you have the more building parts you can have
    - Base building will take time so the following is normally how you would do it
        - Big tents that you can walk in, these will be lockable and will need blowing open and can have trees planted round them to hide
        - Wood will be the 2nd tier of base, this is because it will take you a while to afford the locks, so starting with a tent first is sensible
        - Cinder, you will need to buy iron ore, then break this into stone, then take the stone to the Manufacturing Facility to turn into Cinder (dangerous)
    - Central Trader City with 7 vendors, 6 people & 1 vending machine (this is the only safe zone on the map)
    - 4 Tier weapon loot
        - Very Low: Military containers
        - Low: Military barracks with green doors
        - Medium: Military barracks with the door at the front and each room doored off
        - High: Military tents that have a single entrance
        - Very high: Military tents that have entrance at either end (only found at Skalisty)
    - Weapon loot gets higher as you move inland and are colour coded via markers
        - There are no Anzios, rocket launchers... Again, a more real world feel
    - Missions have all been reworked
        - All missions are neutral, meaning not hero or bandit, you get XP so you can do any mission
        - There are three main mission with 1 always being Skalisty
        - There are a number of vehicles driving round the map, some armed. and a heli flying about
        - Some AI have cash some dont
    - There is no bank. You will see a money bag on your hud, thats how much you have on you. Store your wealth in safes, lockboxes
    - Base raiding is balanced and harder to do, with each base material upgrade it gets harder to break in with Cinder offering 5% chance.
    - Garden of Eden - Weed Growers
    - Manufacturing facility process:
        - Oil into gold
        - Oil into methylamine
        - Stone into cinder blocks
        - Metal sheets into panel kits
        - Panel kits into metal floors
        - Weed plants into Weed Bricks
    - Opens when 7 or more players are online
    - Oil tanker Train
    - Stone, metal processing
    - New HUD with mission and player kills
    - Spawn prisons that protect you as you spawn in
        - CCTV with thermal
        - Scanner
    - Same spawn gear for all with 2 changes, radio and then binoculars as you get higher XP
    - No halo spawn, so no scooting across the map at 500mph
    - 40 dirt bikes hidden close to spawn locations, find them and thats your ticket back
    - over 500 buildings added
    - 14 military locations added
    - Irradiated One, Yes that bitch is here too
    - Take clothes, bury and cut up bodies
    - Take a shit (heals you)
    - Door bell
    - Flip vehicle
    - Hide from zombies (cover yourself in guts and wash off in ponds)
    - Completely reworked traders
        - Reworked pricing
        - Addition of new weapons
        - All located in one place
        - Custom signage
        - 200m vehicle trading distance (so you can park anywhere)
    - iPad for stuff and rules (press right-alt)
    - Reworked deployable menu
    - Get drunk and overdose on weed and cola
    - Suicide with sidearm
    - No build zones
    - Variable view distance
        - Standard 300, 500, 1000m (via iPad)
        - Binoculars 100m - 1200m
        - Range Finders 100m - 3000m
    - Devils Workshop for CCTV + other future stuff
    - Buy XP at traders
    - Raid menu (if something can be blown it will give you a menu)
        - Blow tent doors
        - Blow all wood items
        - Blow Cinder doors
    - Stalisty Bridge
    - Skalist island wall (only 2 ways on or off)
    - Skalisty train on main island (good for food loot)
    - Custom Military Locations
        - Cherno
        - Electro
        - Altar Radar Array Base
        - Berezino
        - Solinchi
        - Zelenogorsk
        - Stary
        - Grishino
        - NWAF
        - NWAF - Tents
        - Bashnya
        - Green Mountain
        - Rify
        - Lysina
        - Shakhovka
        - Gvozdno
        - Skalka
        - Infected Camp
        - Skalisty (10 camps + 2 Urals + AI)
    - Custom Airfields
        - Balota
        - NWAF + Industrial
        - NEAF
    - Fugitive mission (has one of the armed vehicles in - de-spawns at restart)
    - Vodnik mission (has the other armed vehicle - you get to keep it)
    - Pirate treasure (mostly food, couple guns, ammo and maybe a nice item)
    - Suspicious Vehicle mission (truck with loot in that blows up on a timer)
    - Tool dulling (keep them sharp)
    - Reworked loot tables, if you need to go to Klen then you wont find that spawning
    - Fast time, goes at 5 times the speed, in game you start at 10am and after a 4 hour restart you will be at 10pm (30 minutes of night)
    - Full screen NVGs only found in military tents, non-full screen can be bought
    - XP base part allowance:
        - 0XP     - 5000XP   > 50 items
        - 5000XP  - 10000XP  > 70 items
        - 10000XP - 20000XP  > 90 items
        - 20000XP - 30000XP  > 110 items
        - 30000XP - 40000XP  > 130 items
        - 40000XP - 50000XP  > 150 items
        - 50000XP - 60000XP  > 170 items
        - 60000XP - 70000XP  > 190 items
        - 70000XP - 80000XP  > 210 items
        - 80000XP - 90000XP  > 230 items
        - 90000XP - 100000XP > 250 items
        - 100000XP or more   > 300 items
    Lv0 - Survivor - 2,500 XP - 6 Spawn Locations
    Gun: [CZ 75 PHANTOM SD Pistol] + 2x [18Rnd Ammo]
    Melee: [BaseBall Bat]
    Meds: [2x Bandage + 1x Painkiller + 1x Bloodbag]
    Food: [1x Can of Stew + 1x Water Bottle Full]
    Tools: [Map + Flashlight + Compass]
    Backpack: [Czech Vest Pouch] + 2x [Heat Packs]
    Lv1 - Survivor - 7,500 XP - 6 Spawn Locations
    Gun: [CZ 75 PHANTOM SD Pistol] + 2x [18Rnd Ammo]
    Melee: [BaseBall Bat]
    Meds: [2x Bandage + 1x Painkiller + 1x Bloodbag]
    Food: [1x Can of Stew + 1x Water Bottle Full]
    Tools: [Map + Flashlight + Compass + Radio]
    Backpack: [Czech Vest Pouch] + 2x [Heat Packs]
    Lv2 - Survivor - 20,000 XP - 20 Spawn Locations
    Gun: [CZ 75 PHANTOM SD Pistol] + 2x [18Rnd Ammo]
    Melee: [BaseBall Bat]
    Meds: [2x Bandage + 1x Painkiller + 1x Bloodbag + 1x Morphine]
    Food: [1x Can of Stew + 1x Water Bottle Full]
    Tools: [Map + Flashlight + Compass + Radio + Binoculars]
    Backpack: [Czech Vest Pouch] + 3x [Heat Packs]
    Lv3 - Survivor - 30,000 XP - 21 Spawn Locations
    Gun: [CZ 75 PHANTOM SD Pistol] + 3x [18Rnd Ammo]
    Melee: [BaseBall Bat]
    Meds: [2x Bandage + 1x Painkiller + 1x Bloodbag + 1x Morphine]
    Food: [1x Can of Stew + 1x Water Bottle Full]
    Tools: [Map + Flashlight + Compass + Radio + Binoculars]
    Backpack: [Czech Vest Pouch] + 3x [Heat Packs]
    Lv4 - Survivor - 40,000 XP - 22 Spawn Locations
    Gun: [CZ 75 PHANTOM SD Pistol] + 4x [18Rnd Ammo]
    Melee: [BaseBall Bat]
    Meds: [4x Bandage + 1x Antibiotic, 1x Painkiller + 1x Bloodbag + 1x Morphine]
    Food: [2x Can of Stew + 1x Water Bottle Full + Pepsi]
    Tools: [Map + Flashlight + Compass + Radio + Binoculars]
    Backpack: [Czech Vest Pouch] + 3x [Heat Packs
    Below is some of the features the server has
    - Sector-B: Highest & Unique Loot only found there. Hard mission only a few have completed
    - Zombies Removed From Sector-B: No more irritating zombies demanding to be shot
    - Player Loadouts: Russian weapons for Bandits and NATO Weapons for Hero’s
    - Trader Island: The Trader island is where you will do your buying and selling
    - Hidden Traders: All found on the main islands, (check the map for what’s hidden)
    - Marked Traders: Not everything can be bought at the trader island. Some have cool stock
    - Player Scan: 150m GPS, 350/450/900/1500/2500/7000/8000m using deployable items and map locations (check map)
    - Oil Mission: collect and see oil for $$$
    - Weed Farms: Take a knife to farm weed, take a machete for double weed
    - Farm Metals, Wood & Stone: Take a pickaxe and some locations can be farmed for useful bits
    - Garage Door Opener: Open garage doors from within your vehicle.
    - View Distance: Change from 300m to 10,000m view distance and requires 2 items to get all
    - Looting: Some items cannot be bought, GPS, Range Finders etc, you need to find them
    - Gem Exchange: Breakdown ruby’s for other gems here
    - Dr Ivanica’s Lab: Exchange Sapphire for rare ammo here
    - Drug, Gem and Bomb Dealer: Sell your drugs, ruby’s and Gems here
    - Gas Station Explosions: Gas stations will blow up and loot from vehicles is thrown out
    - Bomb Crates: Random crates filled with loot
    - Deploy Items: Tables, scanning equipment, walls, vehicles, base decorations etc
    - Deploy Houses: 8 houses can be deployed, 4x wood and 4x brick
    - Grow trees: Find the hidden tree trader to grow trees at base
    - Overdose on Cola and Weed: Just get baked out your head
    - Humanity Dealers: Buy back your humanity, be warned, you can’t buy much
    - Locate Vehicle: Find lost vehicles on the map as long as you have the key
    - Flip Vehicle: Right click tool box and flip it back
    - Custom Map Markers: All locations marked on the map
    - Base Raiding: Get scrap electronics from Sector-B to raid bases (you cannot take over a base)
    - AI Checkpoints: Various locations with AI protection squads
    - Air Patrols: There are three islands on Taviana, regular air patrols fly around
    - Base Regulations: Sick of seeing those stupid cock towers all over the map… not here
    - Safe Zones: These are only at the trader island and aircraft dealers
    - Balanced Vehicles: All armoured vehicles have the gunner exposed
    - Aircraft No-Shoot Zones: The orange strip at each airport is a no shoot down location
    - Mission System: These with Sector-B and heli patrols, there is plenty to shoot at
    - High FPS: Upgraded server running a high speed CPU, some player have over 100FPS
    - Leader Boards: Get on this board and get access to secret missions such as safe hunt
    - Plot Hoarders: Check game time every 4 weeks to stop players holding locations
    - Service Points: Arm and repair from gas stations
    - Tow & Lift: Advanced tow and lift
    - Origins vehicles: Inc the submarine which can submerge, flying fortress and other vehicles
    - Large Base Build Limit: 300 items per plot pole, 1 plot per player
    - Snap Build: Full control over how a base object is placed, tilted, spun or manipulated
    - CCTV: Fully working CCTV systems for base defence and monitoring
    - Game Time Perks: If you have high in game play time you get some unique perks
    - Door Bell: Ring the door bell of your friends bases or scare people hiding in their base
    - The Devils Tree: Worship the tree and get a Satanic gift that may be shit, might be good
    - Race Track Cars: Fancy a race, take one for a spin
    - Methylamin trader: $350,000 per barrel if you sell them,  and also required to grow trees
    - Sector-B 7km Scan: Scan up to 7km by using the massive Sector-B radar array
    - Deploy Houses: 4 wooden and 4 brick (these are being tested to make sure they don't de-spawn)
    - Deploy Origins Nests: (these are being tested to make sure they don't de-spawn)
    - USS Fleshlight: Aircraft carrier with an MV22 loaded with Oil on the flight deck for you to grab
    - Sector-Z Mission: Cave system with loaded Urals for you to grab
    - Air Launch Zones: Take off from the mountain on a deep dive
    - Pyro's Onion Ballistics: Player run shop where you buy and sell with real players who have looted, won, fought or stole everything they sell
    - Take a Poo: Take a big shit and heal all your pain, just right click on toilet paper
    - Kill Yourself: Kill yourself with your side arm, just right click it
    - Take Clothes: Remove clothes from your body and other players
    - Bury or butcher bodies: Lose or gain humanity for doing it
    - Three new Spawns: Bet you are dying to see
    - Mrs Bee's Flight School: Free planes
    - Hidden Safe Missions: Find the hidden safes
    - High Level Traders: You need 450,000 humanity either + or - shop here
    - Loot Maze: At Taviana Zoo
    - Abandoned Safes: if you let your safe go unused it will reset the code and tell everyone
    - Pirate Treasure: who knows... what’s in there!
    - Roaming AI: AI will now spawn on you randomly... heat just got turned up
    - Roaming Vehicles: 5 vehicles driving round the map... if they see you they will jump out!
    - Rivet City Mission: Fight for loot under USS Fleshlight which is in dry dock for repairs
    - Tank: Only 1 on the server, grab it from Sector-B, de-spawns on restart but you have till then to be a nuisance
    - The Irradiated One:
    - Custom HUD:
    - Base Jumping: From 30m up, should make more options for picking a sniper spot and not worrying about getting down
    Have Fun
  9. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to He-Man in A3 Epoch v1.3.3.1 Update   
    Arma 3 Epoch has been released!
    This is a Server-Side update only - The Client files are still the same!

    Server Files:

    Gamemode File Changes:

    Full Changelog:

    Client Files (not changed):
    Server Files are available here: 
    Note: this is meant for updates only as there is no DB folder and all configs appended with "-example". The first-time install would need this -example part removed from the file name and the DB folder from Server Files on GitHub. Other than that it should just override and update the server pbo's and mission files and dll's .
    Clear message that the server is not fully loaded when Players login to early Optional Black Market Traders Build in RyanZ Zombiespawner (when RyanZ is enabled on the Server) Trader Filter for useable items on currently equipped weapons Fixed
    On farming wracks / cinder, sometimes the more far away object was looted instead of the nearest Purchased Boats from Traders sometimes spawned damaged In some cases, purchased Vehicles spawned on top of already existing vehicles -> crashed Changed
      Server Owners
    Added missing predefined variable "Epoch_BaseSpawnSkips" (no issues, just a rpt error) Krypto Limit from 250000 to 1000000 to prevent unwanted bans Some loot positions were not in correct syntax Black Market Traders can be configured within CfgBlackMarket.hpp (within the mission file) RyanZ Zombiespawner can be configured within epoch_server_RyanZ_Spawner.pbo (server side) To disable this spawner, you can remove this pbo from your Server
  10. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Grahame in SuperFTlol's Toxic Juice   
    Announcing SuperFTlol's Toxic Juice
    In partnership with DayZ streamer SuperFTlol, I am happy to announce the deployment of a new, modded DayZ/Expansion server for the community.
    * New hardcore Expansion survival server
    * First-person only and no weapon crosshairs
    * Expansion base building
    * No traders!!!
    * Lots of fun new weapons and attachments
    * Perishable food from animals and humans - cook it, preserve it with salt, store in a fridge powered from a generator
    * No fake map, no map markers. We have added the Immersive Map mod to make tourist maps useful at last
    * New camos (that fit the Chernarus setting), clothing, food, drink and hardware
    * New vehicles including a GAZ truck, VAZ sedans, a BMW for the fast and furious and the Land Rover 110 for the sophisticated
    * Expansion helicopters, aircraft, boats and the bus...
    * Blood trails  to make hunting human prey a breeze ;)
    * Raided someone's base? Leave a note to let them know how much you appreciate their gear!
    * Balanced all the new weapons and loot
    * Toxic Zones at Tisy and the North West Checkpoint... you want the gucci gear then grab some NBC gear or search for heli crash sites...
    * And much, much more!
    Server Name: SuperFTlol's Toxic Juice
    Server IP:
    Server Port: 2352
    Restart schedule - 0300/0900/1500/2100 BST, 0400/1000/1600/2200EDT
    Visit FT's discord at https://discord.gg/EQaX5V4 or the EpochZ discord at https://discord.me/epochz
  11. Like
    RC_Robio got a reaction from vbawol in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    Have a Great Birthday!!!!
  12. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to He-Man in A3 Epoch v1.3.2 Update   
    Arma 3 Epoch 1.3.2 has been released!

    Server Files:

    Gamemode File Changes:

    Release Notes:

    Full Changelog:

    Client Files:
    Server Files are available here: 
    Note: this is meant for updates only as there is no DB folder and all configs appended with "-example". The first-time install would need this -example part removed from the file name and the DB folder from Server Files on GitHub. Other than that it should just override and update the server pbo's and mission files and dll's .
    Non Lethal Weapons Make opponents unconscious with special weapons Unconscious players can be woken up by a MultiGun with Heal Player attachment after a random timer (60-180 seconds) Paint Garages (with optional map markers) around the map for painting Vehicles Park your Vehicle in / on the Garage and hold Space (DynaMenu) on the Terminal Costs: 500 Krypto (Configurable by Admins) https://plays.tv/video/5d5d721191c8f06d14 Player / Server Statistics (within the E-Pad) Times connected / Playtime (hours) / Max Alivetime (hours) / Distance Walked (Km) Objects Looted / Trades at Trader / Placed Buildings / Crafted Items Karma / Player Revived / Tradermissions Player Kills / AI Kills / Antagonist Kills / Zombie Kills Deaths by Player / Deaths by AI / Suicides K/D PvP / K/D PvE https://plays.tv/video/5d5d716b0b171855fe Hint in Inventory for Heal / Revive / Repair to be used as MultiGun Attachment Item description to Trader items https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/474595539107971072/622554669830373399/unknown.png UAV Backpacks - Assemble and then use via DynaMenu (SpaceMenu) Animated Heli Crash (with scattered loot) https://plays.tv/video/5d8a717407926fbfc2 Some Chinese translations (thx to @CHL198011) Fixed
    Players could instant get killed on contact with new placed BaseBuilding Parts Players Glasses (Goggles) were not correctly added on login / revive Some Building Parts where falling down on build (also when snapped correctly) Texture for Solar Generator / Charger was broken Changed
    Weapon attachments are no longer dismounted within containers on restarts Clothings (BackPacks / Vests / Uniforms) in storages will no longer get unpacked on restarts Vehicle / Storage Lock Colorized Vehicle / Storage Lock messages Hint how long your Vehicle will stay locked on lock Vehicles locked inside your own PlotPole-Range have now a longer Locktime Inside your PlotPole-Range: 3 days Outside your PlotPole-Range: 30 minutes https://plays.tv/video/5d5d71d2137413ba08 Increased UAV sounds Changed Taru / Huron / Mohawk Door Sounds (more decent sound) changed unarmed jump animation UAV-Support (AI's) will now spawn a bit more away from your Position Changed / Fixed some Epoch asset models Reduced Rain by default Hunger / Thirst / Alcohol loss no longer depends on time multiplier by default Reworked Looting function (Epoch furnitures + additional ground Loot) Server Owners
    Added an option to force the Gender for Players on Spawn / Respawn with "ForceGender" in cfgEpochClient.hpp Added the FastNights Epoch Event by default to epochconfig.hpp Added Compatibility to Lythium and Livonia Map Added a MultiMap compatibility Make it possible to run also not official supported maps Use the mission.sqm within the epoch._ChangeMe folder Spawn (Debug-Box) is set to [0,0] and spawn positions are random created on restarts Custom Textures (e.g. from Paintshop) can now be saved to the Database set "UseCustomTextures" in epochconfig.hpp to "true" force saving Vehicles after painting by: Client side Scripts: _vehicle call EPOCH_interact; Server side Scripts: _vehicle call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle; To adjust the new BaseLock-Time, use "vehicleLockTimeHome" in epochconfig.hpp Configs for the Painting Garage (available colors / Costs) can be found in CfgPainting.hpp SetUnitLoadout has been replaced by an Epoch function. To simply strip and reload Inventory, use "call EPOCH_ReloadLoadout"; Player Login Mass-Check Another fix to prevent login issues If you still have issues, make sure these positions are very close in your mission.sqm: respawn_east respawn_west all VirtualMan_EPOCH Entities Players playtimes are now shown in the Playerlist in Adminmenu https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/474595539107971072/613059969943601208/unknown.png Added a function to jump up for Admins in Adminmenu Admin Teleport on mapclick now use ALT instead of CTRL (prevent creating Linemarkers) Added an option "EnablePhysicsOnBuild" to cfgEpochClient.hpp to disable physics while Building Changed syntax in cfgServicePoints to allow inherits from other Vehicle Classes Some more infos can be found here: https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/34454-repair-rearming-script/?do=findComment&comment=307310 Added a config for the already available FastNight Event to epochconfig.hpp New Weapons + Mags: pvcrifle_01_F NL_pvc_bb_mag -> Knockout nl_Shotgun NL_shot_bb_mag -> Knockout nl_auto_xbow xbow_mag_bolt -> Kill xbow_mag_tranq -> Knockout xbow_mag_exp -> small explosion -> Kill hgun_Pistol_tranq_01 tranq_dart_mag -> Knockout If you run Infistar lower then v260 (not published for now), you have to change this inside your Infistar files! A3AH: 1
    Search for: "_addCaseHDMG = 0;" add a new line behind it with: "_addCaseHDMG = player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',(['CfgEpochClient', 'HandleDamage', ''] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" 2
    Search for: "if(_addCaseHDMG == _roundRandomNumberHDMG)then" change it to: "if(_addCaseHDMG == (_roundRandomNumberHDMG+1))then" 3
    Search for: "player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',''];" change it to: "player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',(['CfgEpochClient', 'HandleDamage', ''] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" A3AT: 1 Search for: "player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',{}];" replace it with: "if (infiSTAR_MOD == 'Epoch') then {player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',(['CfgEpochClient', 'HandleDamage', ''] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];}else {player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',{}];};"  
  13. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Killin Zedz - Increased zombie spawns - Regular stamina, loot spawns and vehicles!   
    Well, I haven't updated this post in a long time. Rather than posting every update here, you can read about the current status on our Discord. We just did a complete wipe as some players created some monster bases that were causing some problems. Feel free to come by and check us out!
  14. Like
  15. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Killin Zedz - Increased zombie spawns - Regular stamina, loot spawns and vehicles!   
    Are you looking for a Super-Dooper OMG we've got 100000 cars, 4x loot and safezones server with flying unicorns pooping out loot all over the map? 
    Well then, this isn't the server for you. If you don't want any of that mamby-pamby BS, read on!
    The Killin Zedz community, which was formed in early 2013, has returned to run a DayZ SA server! Over the years, we've had servers for DayZ mod as well as it's offspring (Epoch mod for example). We expanded into Arma 3 mods as well, but the community was shut down earlier this year due to a lack of anything new to play and boredom. Now we're back!
    Features include:
    Custom coastal spawns Increased zombie spawns - Good luck getting into a military area on your own! 3PP view with weapon cursor NORMAL loot and stamina Accelerated time (24 hours passes during a 4 hours server cycle) Four hour server restarts Located in New York (East coast USA) MODS ON THE SERVER
    We are using the following mods on the server:
    Arctic Latitudes - This causes the sun to be low in the sky and the night time has a twilight effect. No more pitch black nights! Sullen Skies - More clouds and gloominess to help create the atmosphere. DisableBaseDestruction - Bases can only be disassembled from the inside. Increased Lumens - Even with the twilight nights, it can get dark in the woods and buildings, so this will help make light sources brighter. Build Anywhere - Is there a 1% grade on the ground? No problem, now you can build there! Zombies Health Rebalance - The zombie health varies depending on the type/clothing/protection (ie: A soldier zombie is harder to kill than a shirtless old man zombie) DayZ Expansion Chat - Brings back chat in the server! RPCFramework - Required for the Chat mod. Summer Chernarus - Chernarus is so green and colorful! Gorez - Adds blood splatter, a blood trail on wounded players until they bandage and a pool of blood under dead players and zombies. Melee Weapons Pack - A bunch of new melee weapons! HOW TO JOIN THE SERVER
    I recommend you download DZSALauncher at http://www.dayzsalauncher.com/. Once you've installed it, just search for "killinzedz" and you'll find the server. All mods will download automatically.
    If you insist on using BI's official DayZ Launcher, you'll need to subscribe to the individual mods in this collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1597575287
    You can either join the server using DZSALauncher, and these mods will be downloaded automatically, or you can download the mods, activate them in the official DayZ Launcher, and then join the server from in-game. The DZSALauncher is MUCH MUCH easier.
    There's no application process. Just join our Discord server at http://Discord.me/killinzedz and join us on the game server. You can even join the Discord server through your browser, without downloading and installing the Discord software! We also have a Steam group that everyone is welcomed to join too! https://steamcommunity.com/groups/killinzedz
  16. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Helion4 in W.I.P Images from Dayz(SA) Epoch   
    All these images can be found on our discord, if you are not a member already, hop on and keep up to date with the progress of the mod.

  17. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in To Bot or Not to Bot   
    A bit of progress with the bot. Built in pathing I'm still to find, or wait for them to release to modders :)
    I put some serious hours into a pathing / collision avoidance system for local agents that never made it into A3 Epoch. That's going to come in handy now. 
    I will update with progress here and on the discord,  join here : https://discord.gg/0k4ynDDCsnMzkxk7
  18. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Helion4 in A3 Epoch v1.3 Update   
    Thursday 31 Jan will be the date of the update.

    This update has seen us focus on adding some ported Vehicles, Weapons & Backpacks.
    Those of you that played Arma 2 & DayZ Epoch will recognize some of the included content.
    As well as adding more content, we have improved many things, and also fixed some others, some highlights of the update also include:-
    The E-pad Tablet, can be used for server hosts to add custom scripts, server info and even supports html - some apps are included by default (see github changelog) Suicide option with animation Rusty textures for some vanilla A3 Vehicles Admin Menu - you can now 'Search All' configs when spawning objects Loot Rebalance - improvements to the logic of the loot spawner. Jail wall & lockable jail door models are now included in the base building object selection As always, please visit the Epoch discord or post here on the forum if you have suggestions, ideas and requests for further updates.
    To view a more detailed Changelog visit - Changelog - GitHub
    Enjoy Epoch 1.3

  19. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Helion4 in A3 Epoch v1.3 Update   
  20. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to He-Man in A3 Epoch v1.3 Update   
    Many thanks to @orangesherbet for this nice video to the EpochMod 1.3 update!
  21. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Helion4 in arma3+epoch all in 1 server pack   
    Be carefull when offering to pay for things. Non creators cannot sell other people products. If that happenes and the creator finds out, you could for example have your server DMCA'd for breaking I.P. Licences.

    You should only pay for somebodies time to install these things for you as everything you want is available for FREE!
  22. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Grahame in DayZ Style Portable Generators & Refueling in A3E   
    I'll pass back the code to the A3/Epoch devs if they want it and if someone has or can get a public domain generator sound... obviously the one I use on my servers is not afaik (though it might be...)  
    P.S. Apologies for the poor quality of the video, my PC is a potato...
  23. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    Restart batch files are an important way to get everything up and running properly.
    I have built over the years a nice startup that will handle most hosts needs.
    Once the server is started, we can rely on Epoch's built in shutdown timer.
    Thus using a monitor will allow for a smooth restart every time and within a few minutes of shutting down.
    Firewall rules can be very easy or it can feel very difficult and frustrating.
    Its always safe to just open up the Firewall Rules in Windows and just add your new rules.
    After a few years I choose to use a firewall toggle within my restart batch files.

    Example files(Edit to your needs):

    By default Epoch will perform as intended with the base Epoch and A3 assets.
    If you would like to use a mod Epoch has setup already for compatiblity
    These configs are here: 
    For example if you would like to add CUP weapons and vehicles to your server use this:
    forcedVehicleSpawnTable = "allowedVehiclesList_CUP"; forcedLootSpawnTable = "CfgLootTable_CUP";
    If you are using another mod/addon with assets for these categories you can customize the lists in these files here:

    Vehicles default array:

    Loot default array:
    Other Loot default array: <- includes everything else Epoch allows you to loot, ie animals, ambient objects, missions, etc
  24. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    A lot of people have confusion on ports, there should not be any at all.
    ARMA 3 for this example GAME PORT is 2302
    Query Port which is for server lists, gametracker, battlemetrics, etc
    BE Port which was recently added is dedicated to battleye traffic and will help ease the load on our other ports.
    RCON Port this is setup by you and can be several different choices.

    Game Port: 2302 (Your Choice)
    Query Port: 2303 (A3 Default is Game Port+1)
    BE Port: 2306 (A3 Default is Game Port +4)
    RCON Port: 2307 (suggested Game Port +5)

    battleye config: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/example-beserver_x64.cfg#L1-L2
    epochserver.ini: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/EpochServer.ini#L1-L8
    Redis database needs to be running for the server to start up properly.
    I recommend a relaxed importance on restarting this redis instance.
    I restart redis about once every week or two.

    EpochServer.ini: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/EpochServer.ini#L10-L14
    redis.conf: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/DB/redis.conf
  25. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    Server Installation
    [NOV2020] Thank you @PAL-18 for the DM with a link to your newly updated info for Arma 3 Dedicated Server Setup Under FireDaemon Pro

    [DEC2017] Instructions below
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Time to invest: Depends upon knowledge of Arma 3 but should be a few hours with 20/20/20 breaks
    ** 20/20/20: Every 20 minutes, get up and focus on something 20 ft away for at least 20 seconds
    1. Download Arma 3 Server files by going into Steam -> LIBRARY -> TOOLS
     This will download to your Steam Library folder. (most likely in program files -> steam -> steamapps -> common)   OPTIONALLY you can install SteamCMD and download arma 3 server from there Create a folder for SteamCMD (e.g. C:\Servers\SteamCMD) Create a folder for your Server (e.g. C:\Servers\EpochServer) Download SteamCMD: http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip Paste the SteamCMD.exe into your created SteamCMD folder Create an empty file "Update_Arma.bat" in your SteamCMD folder Open this file with notepad(++) and paste this code into this file: @echo off @rem http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your install SET STEAMLOGIN=mylogin mypassword SET A3serverBRANCH=233780 -beta :: For stable use 233780 -beta :: For Dev use 233780 -beta development :: Note, the missing qotation marks, these need to be wrapped around the entire "+app_data......" :: There is no DEV branch data yet for Arma 3 Dedicated Server package !!! SET A3serverPath=C:\Servers\EpochServer\ SET STEAMPATH=C:\Servers\SteamCMD\ :: _________________________________________________________ echo. echo You are about to update ArmA 3 server echo Dir: %A3serverPath% echo Branch: %A3serverBRANCH% echo. echo Key "ENTER" to proceed pause %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% +force_install_dir %A3serverPath% +"app_update %A3serverBRANCH%" validate +quit echo . echo Your ArmA 3 server is now up to date echo key "ENTER" to exit pause  
    Enter your Steam Login and optional your Server / Steam path (folder) Save this file and run it to install / update your Arma3 Server 2. Setup a new folder on your drive (Skip this when using steamCMD)
    If only hosting a single server, simply "EpochServer" is fine If needing to install multiple server, you can alternately name this "EpochServers" and make a subfolder "EpochMapName" for the server     * FOR THE REST OF THIS SETUP WE WILL REFER TO THE SERVER FOLDER AS "EpochServer"

    3. Move your Arma 3 Server files over to your new folder to start building your Epoch Server (Skip this when using steamCMD)
    Copy and Pasting these files will work just fine
    4. Copy the Client Files to your Server
    Copy your @Epoch folder to the "EpochServer" By default it should be located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Epoch" Optionally you can download these files also from http://epochmod.com -> Downloads -> Client
    5. Copy the Server Files to your Server
    Download the Server files from here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch Click on the green button "Clone or download" and download the Zip file Unzip the downloaded file and go into the Server_Install_Pack folder Copy the contents of the Server_Install_Pack into your "EpochServer" main root
    6. Setup your preferences of your epoch server
         A. Location:  "EpochServer"\sc\server.cfg
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/sc/server-example.cfg Rename server-example.cfg to server.cfg and configure it setup your server name, passwords, mission file name (optional: difficulty and other config entries)      B. Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epochAH.hpp
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/epochah.hpp#L2 turn on/off the antihack-admin panel      C. Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epochConfig.hpp
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp Server settings for restarts, time and other important settings      D. Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epochServer.ini 
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/EpochServer.ini Very Important: Battleye RCON and Database port/password settings (See next post for more)
    7. Setup your database config
        Location: "EpochServer"\DB\redis.conf
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/DB/redis.conf port and password change here
    8. Setup your preferences of your epoch server
        Location: "EpochServer"\sc\battleye\beserver.cfg or beserver_x64.cfg
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/example-beserver_x64.cfg Which depends on what x86/x64 server executable you are running. Should be self explanatory which is needed when? right? If not, x86 means 32bit and x64 means 64bit
    9. These below are part of epoch_server_settings.pbo.  The links provided are to the source files on github for example purposes.

        Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epoch_server_settings.pbo\
       A. config.cpp
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/config.cpp more server settings    B. configs\maps\yourmapname.h
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/maps/tanoa.h Only if using a map other than Altis do you need to use a yourmapname.h file (ie. tanoa.h) Default Map Configs    C. configs\CfgLootTable.h
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/CfgLootTable.h Defined Base Loot Tables (if you use Apex, use CfgLootTable_APEX.h)    D. configs\CfgMainTable.h
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/CfgMainTable.h Defined Loot per Crate (What kind of Loot will spawn in defined crate-Types)

    10. These below are part of mission file pbo.  The links provided are to the source files on github for example purposes.
        Location:   "EpochServer"\mpmissions\epoch.yourMapName

       A. epoch_configs\Configs\CfgEpochClient.hpp
    Most important configs needed Server and Client side
        B. epoch_configs\Configs\Cfg*.hpp <- refers to all the Cfg hpp files
    Look through these files. Most of them have helpful hints, how to configure
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