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Posts posted by Ghostrider-GRG

  1. 3 hours ago, Teacher said:

    Hi, there are a few questions in the file "blck_configs_epoch.sqf " is line 154 and line 184 as it should be or is it a random repetition? If it should be please explain why two of the same set. And the second question, as I understand scopes, bipods, silencers and the like, have the same chance to spawn bots regardless of the complexity of the mission, in contrast to weapons, which you can configure according to the complexity of the missions? Thanks in advance for the answer.

    For 'blck_configs_epoch.sqf', there is near-duplication. It looks like I meant to have a conditional preprocessor command there to add the biopod provided by Apex. I will update accordingly.

    You are correct about bipods, silencers etc. See \custom_server\Compiles\Units\GMS_fnc_spawnUnit.sqf lines 131-135 for how this is coded.


  2. I just created a new branch on the GitHub for Build 152 (Experimental) which adds two new functions:

    1) I included tools and templates with which one can easily export mission configurations from the editor. You now just need to run one script for the markers and second for everything else, paste the output of each script into the template and add the new mission wherever you like.

    2) One can now spawn AI in buildings. AI can be placed in specific locations in the editor, or you can designate a building as a location for AI, and AI and statics will be spawned at the predefined Arma building positions. See the directions for more information about designating buildings for use for garrisons using the Arma building positions. You do need to place a marker object inside the building.

    I also added a new feature for static missions AI patrols whereby you can limit the number of respawns. Setting this value to -1 disables tracking of number of respawns. That is the default, and the mission are backwards compatible with older builds of blckeagles.

    Download this updated version here:


  3. 6 hours ago, Teacher said:

    Hi, everybody. Tell me how to increase the mind AI all that can be changed in the settings, but still some they are stupid, for example, if you stand in line of sight on a mission (say orange) more than 600 meters and start killing bots they will not produce a single shot in the direction of the player, who knows how to fix it? And one more question, what should be changed to complete the mission only after 100% of its sweep? Thank you in advance

    There are four variables you could increase:

    Alert distance, which the maximal distance from an AI killed or hit that will result in the group leader being given info about the players location.

    Intelligence, which translates to how much information the group leader gets, where 4 would be a great deal.

    baseSkill, which is the overall skill level of ai before any modifiers are applied.

    spotDistance and spotTime, which are self-explanatory. 1.00 is maximal here.

    Start increasing these and the missions should get harder.

    blck_AIAlertDistance = [250,425,650,800]; // Radius within which AI will be notified of enemy activity. Depricated as a group-sed system is used now. The group is informed of the enemy location when a group member is hit or killed.
        //blck_AIAlertDistance = [150,225,400,500];
        // How precisely player locations will be revealed to AI after an AI kill
        // values are ordered as follows [blue, red, green, orange];
        blck_AIIntelligence = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9];
        blck_baseSkill = 1; // The overal skill of the AI - range 0.1 to 1.0.
        //This defines the skill, minimum/Maximum number of AI and how many AI groups are spawned for each mission type
        // Orange Missions
        blck_MinAI_Orange = 30;
        blck_MaxAI_Orange = 35;
        blck_AIGrps_Orange = 5;
        blck_SkillsOrange = [
  4. It looks from the command line that you are not loading GMS. If your provider does not allow you to  change -servermod=... to -servermod="@epochhive;@gms" then just upload custom_server.pbo from @gms\addons into your @epochhive\addons folder and that should do it. The only thing you loose by doing this is optional headless client support on that particular Arma install. You can verify that everything is working by reading through the server .RPT files located in the SC directory shown on your screenshot. I just search for [blckeagls] ... and you should find the log entries as the mission system initializes.

  5. 5 hours ago, Bishopob said:

    Hello, i played on a friends server a month ago with this Mission addon and we all loved it for a long time. He has since been shipped to the middle east and he had to shut down the server.

    I thought i would be able to pick it up but i cannot get it to run on my server at all.

    I started with a fresh Hosted Server, placed the @GMS in the standard location next to @Epoch and @Epochhive, +debug folder, used the provided init.sqf as i didn't have one yet, added ;@GMS to my startup command line, Server starts and runs perfectly as usual with no errors, but no missions start at any time. My only guess is;

    A) That i placed the init.sqf provided in MPMissions\epoch.Altis\init.sqf of the download folder in the wrong place.

    B) I need to adjust a setting in @GMS\addons\custom_server\Configs ti have it fire up.

    C) I need to create custom missions for this to operate. I thought maybe  this because it came with instructions for adding them.

    With C) i perhaps mistakenly assumed missions were already in place and would start spawning.


    From what you describe it sounds like you didi\ not unpack your Epoch.<MAP_NAME>.pbo and:

    1. place the init.sqf and debug folder inside the unpacked folder;

    2. repack the mission pbo.

    Missions should spawn and markers indicating their positions should show up on the map even if you neglected these steps. Note that it can take 5-20 min for missions to spawn.

    You can see if the mission system started server-side by checking your .RPT file. This is usually found in a directory named \SC, a subdirectory of the folder in which you placed @Epoch and @GMS. If the system loaded then you should see a bunch of lines beginning with [blckeagls] ...


    If you do not see those entries in the logs then there is probably and issue with the command line for the server.


  6. On 2/8/2018 at 12:49 AM, BenQ said:
    Kind time of days all. Help or assist please with a problem: the Trader does not give me dzheng for sale. I found error, but how to fix it, I do not know. Here is the code from RPT:
    8:47:19 Error in expression <';
    _vars = _player getVariable ['VARS', [] + EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
    _curcrypt =>
     8:47:19 Error position: <+ EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
    _curcrypt =>
     8:47:19 Error +: Type code, Expected Number, Array, String, Not a Number
     8:47:19 File mpmissions \ __ cur_mp.Altis \ trader \ HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf, line 22
     8:47:19 Error in expression <';
    _vars = _player getVariable ['VARS', [] + EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
    _curcrypt =>
     8:47:19 Error position: <+ EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
    _curcrypt =>


    it appears that there is an error in HSPricing from what I can see. Is there anything just above the line in your .RPT that includes mpmission? most config errors are shown there. Look for these lines in your .RPT.

    17:55:02 Starting mission:
    17:55:02  Mission file: epoch (__cur_mp)
    17:55:02  Mission world: Altis
    17:55:02  Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\

  7. On 8/18/2018 at 6:00 PM, IGaveUpCrackForThis said:

    I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone for their amazing work on this mod! It installed with no problems, configured easily and I have been running it on a test server for weeks now. Of course, first time I unexpectedly ran into a mission (didn't look at the map on the way to a trader,) I had my ass handed to me. LOL I can't wait to see the bells and whistles that are added in future releases!! Thanks again!!!

    Thanks for your kind words. The next tasks will be to sort out an issue with using Headless clients then to add the ability to garrison buildings with AI (both static and dynamic missions) and with static weapons (HMG, AT, GMG, etc)  (already available for static missions, will be added for dynamic missions).

  8. Thanks Hellion, bear in mind this is definitely a WIP. It is my first addon that modifies or adds to CfgVehicles/CfgMagazines and has been quite a learning experience. As was recently pointed out to me, the code may require some correction. I am hoping anyone who finds and issue reports it through the github, and suggested fixes would be greatly appreciated.

  9. For a while now I have wanted to put together an addon that makes available additional storage containers and, in the future, other craftable items like heli pads, additional lights and so forth. To that end, and with quite a lot of help from Grahame, I offer V 0.1 of Extended Base Objects for Epoch. It offers a variety of additional storage containers and an easy method for installation.

    Installation: download from my github here:  https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/EB4E

    Subscribe on Steam here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1475332817

    Unpack your mission.pbo using PBO manager or its equivalent.

    Copy all files from the mapname.epoch folder to the folder created by unpacking your mission.

    Repack your mission.

    Copy @EB4E to the same folder containing @Epoch and @epochhive on your server. 

     Copy the key found in @EB4E\Key to the \keys folder on your server.

    Add "EB4E" to the -mods="@Epoch;blahblah;" parameter for server startup.

    Players can subscribe to the mod here: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/EB4E

  10. Version 6.86 will add the ability to place statics inside or on top of buildings using the building position functions of arma. My vision is for this to use either a randomly selected building from those spawned by the mission (with a certain percentage of statics placed in buildings, using a variable that can be set by server admins) or an optional building defined as part of the definition of the emplaced/static weapon.

  11. On 7/30/2018 at 7:35 AM, Schalldampfer said:

    May I ask what this commit means?

      Reveal hidden contents

       - private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
       + //private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
       + //  [type, position, markers, placement, special]
       + _object = createVehicle [_x select 0, _x select 1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
         object setPosASL (_x select 1);


    Github provides a means to track changes made to files. A commit is the process by which a change is merged with a particular branch, thus incorporating said change into the branch. Grahame had made a fork (basically, his own version that he modified to add changes he thought would fix errors or bugs or add functions). I reviewed them, thought they were OK and merged them with the Master/Main branch. If you follow the feed in the Epoch discord you will see one channel in which changes and commits are streamed. I have been doing most scripting in the Visual Studio Code platform which includes the ability to maintain a git local to a folder or even an online git. I find it a really great way to keep track of things as I move through the process of correcting problems or adding features. You can quickly see exactly which files were changed. I think Notepad ++ may have some git capability either as a plugin or addon - also worth a look. That is probably more than you wanted to know but .. there it is. 

  12. 11 hours ago, Schalldampfer said:

    ok, thanks.

    btw,I think there can be setvehicleLock in that code, to spawn vehicles as an base object, that players can't use
    (I can't confirm whether it gets unlocked after a certain amount of time)

      Reveal hidden contents

        _object setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
        _object setvariable ["EPOCH_LockedOwner","0"];


    Alright, after testing and some thought, you definitely need the _object setPosASL (_x select 1). All of the object positions exported from M3EDEN are set to ASL. That makes sense as a reference but it is not what the createVehicle function uses when spawning objects. By having "CAN_COLLIDE" the objects do just hang in space whereever you spawn them and their models can overlap. However, to account for the difference in where 0 is for createVehicle and the output of the M3EDEN tools you do need to adjust position to ASL.

    I can confirm that if you place static weapons on top of something (or I assume inside) they will be spawned where you place them.

    All patrol vehicles are locked until AI are killed, then are placed in a cue to be deleted after a certain period. If a player enters the drivers seat that removes the vihicle from being monitored by the mission system. To me it does not make sense to lock any vehicles used as cargo containers. If you wish to you can add something like this:


        if ( (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "LandVehicle") then
            diag_log format["MAP ADDONS:: Locking vehicle of type %1",typeOf _obj];
            //_obj = _x select 0;
            _obj setVehicleLock  "LOCKEDPLAYER";
            _obj addEventHandler ["GetIn",{  // forces player to be ejected if he/she tries to enter the vehicle
            private ["_theUnit"];
            _theUnit = _this select 2;
            _theUnit action ["Eject", vehicle _theUnit];
            hint "Use of this vehicle is forbidden";


    I have a code fragment around somewhere that locks all types of vehicles which I use at traders although simply spawning them as simple objects works nicely as an alternative. You can do this by putting those vehicles in as a map addon using the MapAddons utility and include something like the above code as a way to limit access to these ornamental objects. Note that simple objects have some server performance advantages as well.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Schalldampfer said:

    May I ask what this commit means?
    It lost private variable, and position change is already overwritten by setPosASL. 

      Hide contents

       - private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
       + //private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
       + //  [type, position, markers, placement, special]
       + _object = createVehicle [_x select 0, _x select 1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
         object setPosASL (_x select 1);


    The createVehicle is call using a mode that allows the new object to collide with any objects nearby. That ensures that it is placed exactly where it was in the editor. The setPosASL could probably be omitted. Thought I had tested everything but my days are long -- too little coffee !

  14. 51 minutes ago, Grahame said:

    Sector B and EOS populate buildings. If @Ghostrider-GRGis willing I could look at the mechanisms that they use (already have) and try an independent (optional) implementation in BlckEagl's?

    that would be great. I know VEMF uses building posns, or think it does. i'll fiddle with the statics and see

    how it goes. I was thinking that one could includw an optional structure in the define for the group and have the spawn script place the structure then locate units within it.

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