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[Request] warm clothes & white ghillie for namalsk


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Hi ok so i've almost got the namalsk expreance with with epoch.


I managed to get blow outs and snow fall working. I know how to get the namalsk harsh tempture working also the

I can bring in the APSI and rail guns via traders but not the skins so I can't use the namalsk temptures.


Well  saying that i could just edit it so other skins act as them but is there any chance of the skins getting added in please?

Our group is loving this map we have a huge amount of npcs flying and walking about its extremely hard and by far our best epoch experience yet.


Such a shame that nine out of ten people dont know how to connect to the other epoch maps.


Saying that couldn't you just bundle epoch with the maps in commander so you would have a separate download for each map i'm sure if that was possible the maps would get 10x more love from everyone.

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I got warm clothes working today. However, I'm using the DayZ version of Namalsk, or part of it anyway. Basically I'm running the @DayZ_Namalsk addon (which is the same as the @namalsk addon but has an extra pbo for using it with DayZ) and not the @DayZ_Namalsk_DayZ addon (which includes the dayz_code.pbo and such). Here's what I did, though I can't guarantee it'll work with regular Namalsk.


-Copy the cfgSurvival class section from your config.cpp in the Epoch dayz_code.pbo.

-Paste it into a text editor and save it as cfgSurvival.hpp (make sure you have "any type" selected as file type).

-Move this into the root of your mission file (or anywhere in the mission file, just make sure you adjust the path for a later step involving the "description.ext").

-In the cfgSurvival.hpp, paste this under the "Skins" class:

		class Skin_CamoWinter_DZN: Default {
			sex = "male";
			playerModel = "CamoWinter_DZN";
		class Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN: Default {
			sex = "male";
			playerModel = "CamoWinterW_DZN";
		class Skin_Sniper1W_DZN: Default {
			sex = "male";
			playerModel = "Sniper1W_DZN";

-Add this line to "description.ext":

#include "cfgSurvival.hpp"

-Copy the "player_wearClothes.sqf", "variables.sqf" and "compiles.sqf" (if you don't already have it from installing other addons) from the Epoch dayz_code.pbo and place them in your mission file.

-In "player_wearClothes.sqf", wherever you see "configFile >> "CfgSurvival"" change it to "missionconfigFile >> "CfgSurvival"".

-In "compiles.sqf", change the file path in this line to point to your tweaked "player_wearClothes.sqf":

player_wearClothes =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_wearClothes.sqf";

-In "variables.sqf", add "CamoWinter_DZN","CamoWinterW_DZN", and "Sniper1W_DZN" to the "AllPlayers = []" array.

-In your "init.sqf", change the file paths in these lines to point to your custom "compiles.sqf" and "variables.sqf":

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";				//Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions

I think that's everything.

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I'm using the client files for DayZ Namalsk v0.741. It's split into two folders: @DayZ_Namalsk and @DayZ_Namalsk_DayZ. I only have the @DayZ_Namalsk folder on my server, so when people connect they only need to activate that one by adding "-mod=@DayZ_Namalsk" to their launch parameters. This folder is pretty much the same as @Namalsk, but it has an extra .pbo called ns_dayz. This includes the models for the warm clothing, which don't seem to be in the standalone map. Since it's more or less the same, you can just swap the @Namalsk folder for @DayZ_Namalsk and just change your server command line to run it.

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I'm using the client files for DayZ Namalsk v0.741. It's split into two folders: @DayZ_Namalsk and @DayZ_Namalsk_DayZ. I only have the @DayZ_Namalsk folder on my server, so when people connect they only need to activate that one by adding "-mod=@DayZ_Namalsk" to their launch parameters. This folder is pretty much the same as @Namalsk, but it has an extra .pbo called ns_dayz. This includes the models for the warm clothing, which don't seem to be in the standalone map. Since it's more or less the same, you can just swap the @Namalsk folder for @DayZ_Namalsk and just change your server command line to run it.


Excellent stuff thank you very much!!!! Working 100% now. Thank you ever so much for this!

Next up is blood suckers then we pretty much have the best epoch experience out there (Well to me :P). :D

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I made a custom "building_spawnZombies.sqf" (same way you make other tweaked dayz_code files) and added this before the buildingmonitor line near the bottom:

	//Add bloodsuckers
	if ((_type == "Land_bspawn" || _type == "HeliCrash" || _type == "HeliCrash_No50s" || _type == "Land_aii_upper_part" || _type == "Land_Mil_Barracks_i") && dzn_ns_bloodsucker && ((random 400) < dzn_ns_bloodsucker_den)) then {
		_rnd = random 1;
		if (_rnd < 0.18562) then {
			_content = "this addMagazine 'ItemBloodbag'";
		} else {
			_content = "";
		"ns_bloodsucker" createUnit [[(_originalPos select 0) + (random 60), (_originalPos select 1) - (random 60), 0], group sefik, _content, 1, "CORPORAL"];

The "_type == " bits define what types of structures they'll spawn near.


Added these lines to the init.sqf (I just had the spawn chance maxed out for testing):

dzn_ns_bloodsucker = true;		// Make this false for disabling bloodsucker spawn
dzn_ns_bloodsucker_den = 400;	// Spawn chance of bloodsuckers, max 400, ignore if dzn_ns_bloodsucker set to false

And added this to the mission.sqm under class Groups:

		class Item3 //This Item# might change depending on the numbers of the other entries
			class Vehicles
				class Item0
					init="this allowDamage false;";

Make sure to add 1 to the "items=" line directly under the "class Groups" line.


There may be more that I'm forgetting, but I think that's it.

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  • 2 months later...

It's now a .bin file. You'll need a program like unRap to convert it to .cpp.


with the changes to "missionconfigFile >> "CfgSurvival"" it does nothing in game and repeated attempts give the error message "changing clothes already in progress" on all skins


Changing it to "missionconfigFile" >> "CfgSurvival" makes it slightly different takes me to debug in the SE and wipes main inventory with any attempt to change skins.

Have tried tweaking the dze_teleport but nothing works.

Have triple checked all file and paths.


Any ideas how you solved that?


Edit: Fixed it with (missionconfigFile >> "CfgSurvival"

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  • 3 weeks later...



Anyone have a working script with "Warm Clothes" and "Cold Weather" on Epoch ( with Namalsk (0.741) for me? Namalsk without cold weather is no Namalsk for us ...


I hope for help! Thx!


ps: Warm Colthes works, but i get following error message:

Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. ns_dayz

I made this cfgSurvival.hpp


The rest; like the instructions form MrTesla`s post#2!  thx for that!

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For the cold weather i made a tutorial kinda


I made that, but the settings shows no reaction ingame. I stayed half an hour on the mountain (dark, snow, wind)! The color red doesn`t go away from thermometer ...


Here is my file!


Thank you for helping me!




No problems or errors in the logfile!

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In fn_temperatures

add this

_warm_clothes =   15;

after this

_sun_factor			= 	3;	//max sunfactor linear over the day. highest value in the middle of the day



Then add this

	if (((typeOf player) == "Skin_Sniper1W_DZN")) then {
		_difference= _difference + _warm_clothes;
	if (((typeOf player) == "Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN")) then {
		_difference= _difference + _warm_clothes;
	if (((typeOf player) == "Skin_CamoWinter_DZN")) then {
		_difference= _difference + _warm_clothes;

after this

	if((vehicle player) != player) then {
		_difference 	= _difference + _vehicle_factor;
		_isinvehicle 	= true;
	} else {
		//speed factor
		_vel = 		velocity player;
		_speed = 	round((_vel distance [0,0,0]) * 3.5);
		_difference = (_moving_factor * (_speed / 20)) min 7;

and you should be good to go :D

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